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Twin Peaks Tag


After weighing the pros and cons of some of David Lynch’s most iconic characters, we’ve whittled down 21 and ranked them from least to most boneable.

With 'I Know Catherine, The Log Lady', audiences may finally get to know a little more about the woman Lynch called “solid gold”, Catherine E. Coulson.

Over the past four decades, David Lynch has continued to write his own compositions and collaborate with musicians and sound experts.

David Lynch pursues strange love connections to this day. Here are seven of our absolute favorite Lynchian couples ever depicted on screen.

Need a proverbial page turner? Here’s a ranking of the ten most addictive TV murder mystery shows so good that you’ll watch the whole thing in one sitting.

Light some candles with your faves, sit in a circle, and chant because this our ranking of the ten best occult TV shows worth bingewatching.

Let’s enjoy a reminder of M. Night Shyamalan’s proclivity for madness with a ranking of eleven of his craziest projects yet.

Since the early 00s we’ve enjoyed a spate of magical realism in a number of TV shows. Here are ten of the best shows which have delivered the

Reboots have run rampant across the TV landscape lately. Here are eleven of the most recent and notable TV reboots ranked from worst to best.