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Did you know you can stream free movies with an Amazon Prime subscription? Make the most of your Prime membership and watch these top movies now.

Most details about 'Knives Out 2' are being kept under wraps, but not all of them! Grab your magnifying glass and investigate these casting news.

‘Hereditary’ has been named a horror classic by many. What makes the movie so frightening to viewers?

Diablo Cody has done real & relatable female characters well throughout her career, whether difficult, obnoxious, dangerous, or just hopelessly flawed.

We thought 'Hereditary' was so nice, we saw it twice (no joke) and as such, were able to pick up on the nuances of the film we missed

Horror junkies, it’s time – Ari Aster’s 'Hereditary' is finally hitting the theaters and to say we’re excited would be a huge understatement. We’re practically bouncing off the

We’ve got a tantalizing table full of terrifying genre hits planned for release over the next year. And we’re not talking your standard Hollywood horrors and all the

This summer is shaping up to be a solid season of diverse stories – from sci-fi sizzlers to heart-stopping horrors, here are ten of the hottest blockbusters hitting

Starting May 1, a whole bunch of film festival faves will be hitting the big screen. Here are twelve of our top picks, ranked from hypeworthy to buzzier