HomePosts Tagged "Simon Pegg"

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'Mission Impossible 7' is set to hit theaters next year. Will Tom Cruise ever leave the franchise that sees him perform death-defying stunts?

'America: The Motion Picture' releases its first trailer, but why does this movie even exist? Gaze upon the film to wonder why it was even made.

You didn't think the 'Game of Thrones' prequel was coming until HBO released footage of the cast. See who's playing who in the highly anticipated show.

'Star Trek Into Darkness' took what might’ve been an interesting concept and snowballed it into a failed redux of 1982’s 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan'.

'Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance' received praise, so its cancellation was surprising. Here's what we know.

Don’t go on a rampage just yet! 'Archer' is returning. Let’s enter the danger zone and find out what’s going on in season 11 of 'Archer'.

We’ve looked at everything announced officially and unofficially about Quentin Tarantino's upcoming 'Star Trek' for what awaits the U.S.S. Enterprise next.

What better way to prepare for Zombie Awareness Month than watching every single great zombie movie to sharpen up on your slaughtering skills?

May is Zombie Awareness Month. The shuffling hordes could help settle an ongoing debate that has infuriated horror fans for decades: fast or slow zombies?