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Finding the perfect gift for your significant other can be tricky. Here's how you can find a unique and thoughtful gift.
More and more young people are turning to competition shows for true love. Is ITV's 'Love Island' the perfect solution or just an attractive illusion?
Sometimes relationships fall apart, but they don't have to. Here's how to avoid getting a divorce to keep the love alive!
Use these 11 riveting facts about attraction in your romantic pursuits and find that special someone. . . or just someone for the night.
You may want your partner to be faithful, honest, and committed to you and you only. Here are the best dating experiences with guys.
If you want more romance in your life, here's why you should dance with your partner. Take notes so you can spice up your relationship!
Some movies take pride in their attempts to go above & beyond mere imitation. Here are some of the hottest sex scenes in movies.
Long-distance relationships are often stressful for couples. However, with a few simple tips, you can keep the love alive