The hottest sex scenes in movies: These are all 100% real
Some movies take pride in their attempts to go above & beyond mere imitation, and instead, bring us scenes so lifelike that we can barely believe they’re happening on a screen. Sex & sexual experiences are now more common than not in most productions, but some take it a step further.
Both mainstream and art house cinema continues to blur the line of what is acceptable to show on screen. The world of sex in film has (mostly) progressed beyond the cringy, and instead offers unsimulated & realistic portrayals that make audiences drool – and critics cringe.
Here are some of the hottest sex scenes in movies that offer real bang for your buck if you can find them – and trust us: these are scenes you don’t want to experience awkwardly with your family.
Blue is the Warmest Color (2013)
Blue is the Warmest Color tells the story of a sexual partnership formed by a teenager named Adèle (Adèle Exarchopoulos) and an older art student named Emma (Léa Seydoux) who meet in a gay bar. Their passionate love connection is expressed in scenes of both simulated & assisted sex.
Forgetting that Blue is the Warmest Color opens with a ten-minute sex scene, the actresses draw attention during a heightened six-minute scene when they are shown actually masturbating to help create arousal in the moments building up to sex.
Léa Seydoux, in response to a display of sex that made viewers unsure of just how real the entire taping was, admitted that she would not perform real pentration or oral sex on camera, instead opting for the use of fake vaginas to help simulate the act. The anatomy may have been prosthetic, but the actions performed were nothing short of authentic.
Caligula (1979)
What happens when you take a film featuring Hollywood staples Peter O’Toole and Hellen Mirren and partner them with a production team from Penthouse Magazine? You create the controversial 70s classic Caligula.
A sex-obsessed Roman emperor (Malcolm McDowell) puts on a show as graphic as the fantastical orgies in ancient frescoes. Playing the eponymous lustful ruler who fills rooms of his palace with naked politicians & lurid acts of debauchery, McDowell’s scenes are slightly more tame than they appear.
The real magic of Caligula happened in post-production – scenes were added to the film without the approval or knowledge of the director, including real acts of unedited penetration and fellatio by adult entertainers contracted by Penthouse. Even with big stars on the headline, the hottest action of this film took place right under their noses.
Lie With Me (2005)
In an interview Lie with Me Director Clement Virgo, he insisted that “There is a return to [the] notion of . . . finding a common ground between dirty movies and high culture.” His words were quickly realized when he filmed stars Eric Balfour & Lauren Lee Smith in a mix of simulated and real sexual acts.
Lie With Me follows an arguably mundane yet respectable man (Balfour) who leaves his current relationship to pursue pleasure with a nymphomaniac (Lee Smith).
Scenes of pure carnal desire erupt after the two protagonists meet in a bar. What ensues are close-up shots of oral sex and just about everything that can be legally portrayed before a public audience. Shot in full nudity, Balfour & Lee Smith enact a wildly believable & genuine tryst in the name of sexual fantasy.
Antichrist (2009)
Lars von Trier rightfully earned an NR rating for his dramatic, expressionist horror film Antichrist. Beautifully shot scenes with surreal backdrops stage a world where the human body is put on display in all manner of ways – limbs protruding from the roots of trees, intense genital mutilation, and some very real sexual encounters.
Antichrist’s risqué script enticed actors like Willem Dafoe & Charlotte Gainsbourg to pursue regular opportunities for work alongside the controversial director. The two are frequently depicted in the nude and were speculated to have engaged in authentic, unsimulated penetration on set.
In a disturbing yet all-too-real scene, Dafoe & Gainsbourg are filmed having sex in a forest, surrounded by grotesque limbs. The contrast is oddly arousing, with bodies on display for some intense ravaging. Dafoe revealed that the director made the decision to swap in real porn actors for the scene, thus ensuring its authenticity & our attention.
Nymphomaniac (2013)
Lars von Trier strikes again, this time with Charlotte Gainsbourg, Willem Dafoe, Shia LaBeouf, and Stellan Skarsgård rounding out the cast. Nymphomaniac consists of two volumes heavily edited and overflowing with sexual acts.
Nymphomaniac traces the story of Joe (Gainsbourg) and her relationship with the intelligent, but asexual, Seligman (Skarsgård). She expounds upon the events of her life, exposing four decades of sexual exploits.
One of the most memorable and rewatchable scenes comes when Gainsbourg tells of her meeting with Shia Labeouf’s character at a bar. What follows appears to be a depiction of real & graphic sex between the two. Revealed to be only actor simulation, the scene was cut & edited so the two could be replaced by body doubles.
The duo who took their place in that brief moment are responsible for truly taking the performance all the way. In fact, Shia’s face was even CGI’d onto the body during post-production to ramp up the steaming sensuality to the max.
Don’t Look Now (1973)
Although marketed as a horror flick, Don’t Look Now delivers a hot sex scene. Framed around the death of a couple’s daughter, the two take a break from their grieving to find sexual release.
Donald Sutherland & Julie Christie star in Don’t Look Now as a married couple enduring the early stages of grief. When Christie’s character returns home from a trip to the hospital, the two act on the impulse of their erotic desires in a shocking scene of sexy choreography.
Fulfillment has rarely looked so good – even if the quality is typical of a 70s film. The close-up scene of spectacular penetration was quite controversial for its time, especially as it was rumored the sex scene was genuine. Those suspicions were confirmed nearly forty years later by Variety editor Peter Bart.
Romance (1999)
The 1999 film Romance was not the first of its kind, but it’s still seen as a trailblazer in erotic cinema. Depictions of fully exposed (and excited) male genitalia in such a mainstream production was nearly unheard-of at the time.
Romance follows the explicit sexual affairs of a woman (Caroline Ducey) in the face of her vain lover (Sagamore Stévenin). Seeking spiteful satisfaction, the woman engages in sex scenes that we can only compare to lifelike pornographic encounters.
Controversial sex scenes include a hookup with a character played by a real Italian porn star and a racy S&M affair with a boss. While some of the scenes harbor darker intentions, others are steamy & undeniably real.