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J.J. Abrams Tag


We’ve looked at everything announced officially and unofficially about Quentin Tarantino's upcoming 'Star Trek' for what awaits the U.S.S. Enterprise next.

Rumors Quentin Tarantino may helm the sequel to 'Star Trek: Beyond' have been circulating since 2017 – and what a glorious pairing that would be.

As Disney’s careful hands currently cradle the film series, some things in the old 'Star Wars' films simply wouldn't fly today. Here are five of them.

Disney is shelving any future 'Star Wars' movie order to concentrate on the original saga. Let's look at whether this is a good idea or not.

A lot of fierce female sci-fi characters have kept us in awe since 'Alien'. Here’s our ranking of the ten fiercest female characters in sci-fi history.

The reaction to the J.J. Abrams-produced series 'Castle Rock' has been electric since we stepped into Stephen King’s complex and eerie multiverse.

'Felicity' was groundbreaking for its experiments and risk-taking approach to episodic content. Here are five reasons the show was ahead of its time.

Benedict Cumberbatch is totally overrated. Don’t believe us? Read on for why the actor’s the biggest pile of Cumberbollocks in Hollywood.

Since the early 00s we’ve enjoyed a spate of magical realism in a number of TV shows. Here are ten of the best shows which have delivered the