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Insomnia Tag


It's 3 AM and once again, you're having sleeping difficulties. You've probably heard about the usual suspects, like caffeine, but what about these causes?

Admit it! You're reading this in bed, and it's currently 3 AM. Since you can't get back to sleep, at least laugh at these memes while you're up.

'Tenet' has only been out for three months, but it's a bit overdone at this point. If you're sick of the film, check out other Christopher Nolan projects.

Christopher Nolan is not pleased with HBO Max. Will the movie director remove 'Tenet' and his other blockbusters from the platform?

The world is a magical place at 4am. Based on director Michael DiBiasio's own experiences, 'The Sleepless' tries to use the film to cover humanity at night.

Most comedic actors can make a successful drama, but thrillers seem to be a hard sell. Here are ten comedy actors who dared to make a thriller.