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Frances McDormand Tag


Did you know you can stream free movies with an Amazon Prime subscription? Make the most of your Prime membership and watch these top movies now.

Want to save money by enjoying some free movies on Amazon Prime? Check out the best films that are currently available to stream now!

Frances McDormand gives an authentic, raw performance in the indie film 'Nomadland'. You can read all about the 'Fargo' star's newest movie here.

Wes Anderson may have outdone himself once again based on the first trailer for his new film, 'The French Dispatch'. Here's what we know.

Based on an era of bright colors and bad attitudes, here are the top ten modern TV shows and movies set in the Decade of Decadence: the 80s.

As many of you know, this weekend saw the 24th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards honoring the best achievements in film and TV performances for the past year