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Dallas Buyers Club Tag


A scientist that turns into a blood-sucking vampire who killed his best friend? Yes, please! When does 'Morbius' come out? Find out all the details here!

Product placement is a technique of hidden advertising. Did you spot all of these famous brands in movies?

Let’s look back at some of Jared Leto's best roles to date (ranked from okay to mind-blowingly good). Was the Joker his best role?

Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey has always had an interest in politics. However, could the 'True Detective' star actually be running?

Jared Leto admits he lost his Oscar for 'Dallas Buyer's Club' when moving to his new home. Why did it take so long to figure it out?

Do movies need big-name, recognizable actors to draw in audiences even if a cis actor plays a trans character? This argument raises issues.

Tom Hardy’s played some interesting historical figures in the past. Let’s look back at some other incredible on-screen transformations in cinematic history.

Hot damn! New year, new you? Right. We’ve all got New Year’s Resolutions knocking around already, so how ‘bout you add “binge everything” to that list. A deluge