Indie animated series are all the rage, and Candice Rogers's new series 'Let Them Breathe' is following the trend. Here's why you should watch.
Wubba lubba dub dub! 'Rick and Morty' is set to return for season 5. Hop aboard the hype spaceship by remembering the best episodes.
'Love Is Just a Death Away' is the new short film produced by Jakub Kostal. Learn more about the short and Kostal here.
'Kung Fu Express' is the new animated short by director Cheng Guo. Learn more about the short and the filmmaker here.
Have you watched all three seasons of 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' on Netflix? Only you, master 'Avatar' bingewatcher, can ace this quiz and save the world!
When you think of horror, animation is probably nowhere near the first medium you think of. Here are some of the best animated horror movies.
'Low Down Larry Conquers the Moon Men' is a new film by director Sammy Verni. Learn about the filmmaker and the short here.
The PRIX ROYAL Animation Awards is one of the most prestigious awards an animator could win. Learn about the ceremony here!
Prove your undying adoration for the glorious characters of Studio Ghibli by taking our Ghibli character trivia quiz.