Why Benedict Cumberbatch is the most overrated actor in Hollywood
Listen up, Cumberbitch. We’ve got something to say and you’re not gonna like it: Benedict Cumberbatch is totally overrated. As a man who sticks to what he knows (oh, you’re an arrogant, socially awkward genius? Shock!), even when he does land a role with range, he’s so vanilla it’s hard to actually remember his presence at all. Don’t believe us? Read on for why the actor’s the biggest pile of Cumberbollocks in Hollywood.
Dr. Strange (2016)
Dr. Stephen Strange
Just what the Marvel Cinematic Universe needs – another smartass ego. It was a definite safe bet from Marvel, something they’re notoriously hailed for not doing. As The Hollywood Reporter put it, “The most surprising thing about it (casting Cumberbatch) is how conservative it feels.”
Black Mass (2015)
William “Billy” Bulger
There aren’t enough facepalms in the world to express how far off the mark Cumberbatch’s performance as the Boston politician William ‘Billy’ Bulger is in Scott Cooper’s crime biopic. And that accent? Stick to what you know, Benedoozle Cumberbombs – we’re sure there are plenty of South British, arrogant, socially awkward geniuses left in you yet.
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
Of course Cumberbatch was in Peter Jackson’s fantasy epic, playing the fearsome dragon Smaug in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. You know there’s an issue when the behind-the-scene footage is more exciting than your actual performance – definitely his best attempt at comedy, that’s for sure.

Sherlock (2010 – )
Sherlock Holmes
The pinnacle of his South British, arrogant, socially awkward genius performances is without a doubt Sherlock – how is it possible fit that many nails on a chalkboard? In a slow descent from season one to present, the show has become an irritating parody of the infamous detective character. But don’t worry, what Cumberbatch lacks in presence, he makes up for in annoying quips.
Four Lions (2010)
Don’t get us wrong – Four Lions is a fantastic film and Chris Morris (The IT Crowd) is a comedic genius. But Cumberbatch’s performance is so bland, it took a Google search to remember who his character is. (Bear in mind, we’ve seen this film an embarrassing amount of times and Rubber Dinghy Rapids is the best scene – Kayvan Novak totally overshadowed the whole thing).
Zoolander 2 (2016)
Cumberbatch’s androgynous All was one of the most offensive portrayals of a trans character we’d seen in recent times and was slated for its “over-the-top, cartoonish mockery of androgyne / trans / non-binary individuals.”
The Imitation Game (2014)
Alan Turing
Way to take a fascinating individual and wash out every interesting aspect of his personality. The famous mathematician wartime codebreaker and computing genius, Alan Turing, was offered a shallow, dull retelling of his story and Cumberbatch’s lack of passion is palpable. Perhaps The Limitation Game would’ve been a more apt title.
Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)
As is often the case with Cumberbatch, his performance had about as much flavor as a tin of unsalted tomatoes. Playing Khan in J.J. Abrams’s Star Trek feature, his menacing side is just not that menacing and instead of revamping the character that Ricardo Montalban (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) crafted in 60s, he just stares a lot and speaks in a low tone.
The Fifth Estate (2013)
Julian Assange
Cumberquatch took on the persona of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in 2013’s biggest cinematic flop. The plot was deceitful (as told by an angry Assange) and the actor’s “transformation” into the whistleblower left viewers questioning, “When is Cumberbatch gonna take that blonde wig off.” And the accent? It’s no secret he definitely did not nail it.
No comments I wonder why?
April 7, 2020Mara
Instead of spreading some positivity or at least making an article about someone ore something you like you choose to spread your snobbish jealousy and insults towards an actor, an individual you have never met and ridiculing everything he has ever worked on, thinking you are so funny and superior. Who are you to judge? Take a good look at yourself. Try to become “overrated” or anything rated in Hollywood. Cumberbatch isn’t the typical Hollywood actor or the typical pretty type. The man has obvious skill and if you find him overrated, don’t watch his films instead of whining on the internet.
May 12, 2020Chris
I was about to say the same thing. But I disagree, he is pretty. He actually is that type of guy who I would use the word beautiful for. Very feminine looking. You only think he isn’t the usual pretty type because Hollywood has burned the image of what we are supposed to think is a pretty type into our heads.
August 19, 2020Kimberbatch221b
who the fuck do you think you are
June 3, 2020Thomas
Obviously someone better than you. Some dumb cunt named Kim whose obsessed with Sherlock Cumberbitch.
May 18, 2022Jenna
Benedict is a normal man who has a wife and children he is a famous actor and he doesn’t decide how the public treats him. You might not like him but that doesn’t mean you need to tell everyone that’s just snobbish. Leave him alone and maybe instead of saying mean things about a celeb you don’t like find one you do like and spread positively about them.
October 20, 2020Jenna
No one is perfect it’s a movie he doesn’t need to nail every accent and one of his quotes is about stepping out of your comfort zone so back off
October 20, 2020Jenna
Benedict is a normal man who has a wife and children he is a famous actor and he doesn’t decide how the public treats him. You might not like him but that doesn’t mean you need to tell everyone that’s just snobbish. Leave him alone and maybe instead of saying mean things about a celeb you don’t like find one you do like and spread positively about them. No one is perfect it’s a movie he doesn’t need to nail every accent and one of his quotes is about stepping out of your comfort zone so back off
October 20, 2020JavertRA
I wouldn’t necessarily say overrated so much as “overcast”. Because was flavour of the month after Sherlock it led to him becoming cast in a lot of things – I can’t comment on all of them because I haven’t seen them but I felt this way when he was cast as Richard III (the same as with Tom Hiddleston as Henry V) in the Hollow Crown, the British TV series. The most egregious one though I think is definitely Khan (who was only brought in to appeal to fans in the first place which – had shall we say – mixed results. Cumberbatch is a lot of things, but Sikh warlord he is not (and before you say this is an alternate universe – the universe only alters when Nero arrives, Khan had already lived centuries before this point.)
November 2, 2020Grace
Boi, what is your standard of bland? I’m sorry but what part of his performances scream bland bland bland to you. I reckon we must be watching different performances 😂 and also, you say his disinterest in Alan Turing was palpable. Sure you can have your opinion that it was a bland performance but his”disinterest” is objectively false. If your “journalist” ass bothered to research literally any interview by him on that film, you can see that he is absolutely oozing with passion for the figure. So yeah, by all means have your opinion, but if Cumberbatch doesn’t reach your standard of “thrilling” then I’d love to see who does 🙃
November 22, 2020Sarah
I’m Australian. His Australian accent is very natural…far better than Meryl Streep’s
October 15, 2021