The horrible Russian cannibal couple who ate over 30 victims
In love together, in crime together as they say. Might as well if you’re going to die together, and it’s no fun if only one of you is stuck in prison. The Baksheevys followed the rule, committing murders and other cannibal acts together. While no one is 100%
The horrors they found when they finally apprehended Dmitry and Natalia in 2019 prove the horrors of the cannibal couple were far from fantasy. Police could only identify human remains from one person, but there were multiple parts pointing towards multiple murders.
While the Baksheevys only got 22 years max for their crimes, that doesn’t lessen the crimes they committed against humanity. What took so long for them to get caught?
A fight turned bloody
The only confirmed victim of the Baksheevys was Elena Vakhrusheva. September 8th, 2018, Vakhrusheva was drinking with the couple, when Natalia and Vakhrusheva started fighting all of a sudden. At the peak, Natalia told Dmitry to kill Vakhrusheva.
Dmitry actively listened to his wife, murdering Vakhrusheva through stabbing. Natalia was an active participant in the murder as well. After Vakhrusheva was dead, the two worked to dismember, keeping half at home, and the other half tossing away through various means.
Cannibalistic tendencies
When police finally got into the house, they found fragments of Vakhrusheva’s body in saline solution, unknown meat in the freezer, and unknown food in other parts of the house. In the basement was the remainder of the body they didn’t do anything with.
Seizing the meat, body parts, and human remains, police sent everything to the lab to be analyzed. All the parts were later proven to be identified to one person: Vakhrusheva.
Mistakes cost you freedom
Of course, police had no clue about anything the Baksheevys were doing, until Dmitry lost his mobile phone. When road workers found the phone, they went through it and found photos of Dmitry posing with body parts and even the full body, but clearly deceased.
Police called in Dmitry to interrogate him about the phone, and he said he had just found the remains in the bushes with no personal connection to them. But as the interrogation continued, he confessed to killing Vakhrusheva and tied his wife into the murder.
Natalia and Dmitry were both found guilty, Natalia of incitement of murder, Dmitry of the murder itself. Natalia only got 1.5 years in jail, and 10 in a penal colony. Dmitry was given 12 years and 2 months in maximum security, and was forced to get compulsory supervision and treatment by a psychiatrist. Dmitry died in February 2020 while serving his sentence.
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AT j. Jeorge
This is horrible🙅
April 15, 2020Maddie page
September 7, 2020fsersesfg
that’s just wrong I wonder what parts of the body did they eat?
October 11, 2020Honk
There were dead bodies in the freezer
January 20, 2021sans
what is wrong with them???????
February 22, 2021rj make my day
They are very weird ! Stay away from these idiots…
August 12, 2021