Do you belong in heaven or hell? Take our ‘Lucifer’ season 4 quiz
Let’s make a deal with the devil!
Okay, Lucifan: we heard you. It’s gonna be a long time until Netflix’s Lucifer is back on our screens. Based on the drought of Lucifer in our living rooms, we’ve made this quiz in honor of the show, and more specifically S4. For the last few seasons, we’ve laughed alongside Lucifer and his devilish antics as he navigates the world around him. The other characters are equally brilliant and we’re left wanting to see more of them.
We’re still reeling from the events of S4 and are impatient for S5 to show us what’s in store for our favourite devil. We’re hoping next season features more musical moments, more hilarious nudity, and extra Lesley-Anne Brant (‘cause we can’t get enough of her!).
Even though S5 may be Lucifer’s last season, we’re hoping that S5 delivers us the answers to all the questions we have been dying to hear. Tom Ellis’s portrayal of the Devil really shows that the Devil (truly) Wears Prada.
If you’re a Deckerstar shipper, take 10 minutes out of your schedule and revisit the events of the last Lucifer season. Also, if y’all didn’t vote for Lucifer in the Bingewatch Awards yet, what are you waiting for?
Don’t forget to take our other Lucifer quiz. Tweet us @FilmDaily with your results!