No laws when drinking claws: The best memes about White Claws
Alcoholic beverages have a history of taking the internet by storm. Whether it’s Corona beer memes – we’ve seen an uptick in these thanks to unforeseen pandemics – or White Claw memes, netizens always find a way to make alcohol relevant.
Although the hard seltzer’s been considered a “girly drink” in the past, White Claws have become synonymous with “bro” culture over the last few years. Most men began to pride themselves on drinking the popular hard seltzer – or so it seems. According to Business Insider, one particular fan said the following: “I’m a bro, I do dude things and get stoked and all that. But I also just feel comfortable saying I like White Claw and that it’s good.”
Further adding evidence to the “I do dude things” statement, a popular YouTube video by Trevor Wallace – from which the iconic quote “ain’t no laws when you’re drinking Claws” surfaced – made White Claws even more meme-able.
While the dudes & chicks debate about who gets the credit for this cultural moment, here are some White Claw memes for everyone:
I now baptize you in the name of the father, the son, and the holy whiteclaw pic.twitter.com/MufqGiafcG
— BEEFEDUPBRO (@cubanocrisis) July 30, 2019
Holy White Claw
Aiding the douchebag culture, we present you with the holy White Claw!
A Whiteclaw in one hand, a fully charged juul in the other, a Chainsmokers song coming out of my airpods. My heart is full.
— Ryan Broderick (@broderick) August 1, 2019
Life of a millennial
Going to tattoo this on my forehead.
i wanna be shown off like a White Claw in a sorority girl’s Instagram picture
— nicole (@nicole22___) July 29, 2019
Too late, White Claw has a special spot on the ‘gram.
ain't whiteclaw the harry potter house
— nat “cops break laws to terrorize/intimidate” puff (@LeftAtLondon) July 22, 2019
Wrong house
Potterheads are appalled – we’re sure they never thought there’d come a day when White Claw would be mistaken for Ravenclaw.
What I thought I’d be doing at 26: texting my husband, excited to go to our home with dogs and maybe a baby or something
What I’m actually doing at 26: defending White Claw to my siblings and mother in our family group chat.
— Rachel Barber (@Rae_Gooding) July 25, 2019
Ardent fan culture
Sadly, this is how a lot of us spent our days in 2020. Productive much?
Fuck Netflix and chill. Let’s White Claw and break the law
— Sara Levine (@saralememe) July 30, 2019
Ain’t no laws
Someone took the White Claw memes a little too seriously. While we agree with the first sentence, the next sounds a little extreme.
La Croix walked so that White Claw could run
— sarah thee tonin 🖤 (@sarahndipity18) July 21, 2019
Strong feels
When you’re double-passionate about booze. . . all those overflowing feels!
i thought white claw was a rapper until right now
— Carly Incontro (@carlyincontro) July 13, 2019
Feat. rapper White Claw
Another mistaken identity – with a dynamic name like “White Claws”, the confusion is understandable.
Lifelong white claw dedication pic.twitter.com/2NsoMcNwwN
— Things White Folks Like (@Things4WhitePpl) July 17, 2019
Dedication like no other
We were joking about the tattoo (see above) but guess this person wasn’t – 😯!
Real talk though – aren’t fruity cocktails better in terms of both taste and looks? 👀
Are you a fan of hard seltzers? Or perhaps, you’re only here for the White Claw memes? Let us know in the comments!