Taco Bell adds a new chicken sandwich to the menu: The best memes
You might not have been aware of it, but there’s a chicken sandwich war going on. You might have even taken part of it, unwittingly, as you chose Popeye’s chicken sammy over Chick-Fil-A’s. Crispy poultry sammy wars are a real thing, and Taco Bell – yes, Taco Bell! – is eager to join the fray with a new item on their ever-changing menu.
Wait a minute, you might say, isn’t Taco Bell a (sort of) Mexican restaurant? Not exactly the kind of establishment that screams “crispy chicken sandwich”. And yet, precisely because it is Taco Bell, we shouldn’t be too surprised. The Taco Bell menu is constantly surprising its customers, taking away fan-favorite items and adding bold new experiments all the time.
How’s Twitter reacting to the news of this new entry in the Taco Bell menu? Let’s take a look!
https://t.co/ypcYSamJwE pic.twitter.com/TSnebcDCmy
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) February 22, 2021
Tasty assassin
We may not look as good as Antonio Banderas, but you know we did our own take on this classic gif when we read about the Taco Bell chicken sandwich.
There used to be rules to this game. Honor. Respect. Tacos didn’t sell chicken sandwiches. Burger Kings didn’t sell tacos, Pizza places didn’t sell wings and Subways didn’t sell pizzas. There used to be rules.
“The game the same, just got more fierce.” Slim Charles https://t.co/OhAxBTwvUs pic.twitter.com/Ppjo2M3mGy
— Roy Wood Jr- Ex Jedi (@roywoodjr) February 22, 2021
While it’s true that the lines between restaurant genres have grown blurry, surely that doesn’t affect their food’s actual taste, does it?
Food trends are funny. Taco Bell had this fried chicken biscuit taco 5 years ago. Take out the honey, add some may'naise, and every press outlet in the world writes about the new "chicken sandwich." Don't think it'll ever go national, but I'd like to try it. Looks good. pic.twitter.com/bGWbziTYt0
— Josh Scherer (@MythicalChef) February 22, 2021
Cracking the code
Good news, Josh: the Taco Bell chicken sandwich is planned to go national later this year. More importantly, even this accurate deconstruction won’t keep us from trying it.
where were you when Taco Bell joined the fried chicken sandwich wars?🌮 pic.twitter.com/BVsv36PWKr
— Andrea Hernández 🥬 (@iiiitsandrea) February 22, 2021
Historic moment
Honestly, given the current global pandemic, most people were probably at home when they heard the latest news about the Taco Bell menu.
These are cursed asf 😂 pic.twitter.com/qrZVAkDErM
— PЦПIƧΉΣD ЦПΉIПGΣD_ӨMΣGΛ♎ #ƬΣΛMGӨDZIᄂᄂΛ (@Villainofmylife) February 22, 2021
Charmed, actually
Come on, the new addition to the Taco Bell menu hasn’t even officially debuted yet (March 11th, mark your calendars!) so let’s hold off on calling it names.
Just set a calendar reminder for @tacobell's chicken sandwich…
I might have a problem, guys
— this is why we can't have nice things (@mynameissteve) February 22, 2021
Honestly, we didn’t expect anyone to actually mark their calendars but we are impressed by this level of dedication.
Hey @tacobell
As one of your BIGGEST fans…I am disappointed Fresno didn't make the list for this new 'Crispy Chicken Sandwich Taco' launch.
Hands will be thrown if I can't get my hands on one ASAP. pic.twitter.com/aZrFP6Ub8j
— Jenna Liston FOX 26 (@JennaListonTV) February 22, 2021
Not mad, just disappointed
You know you’re making waves when a TV News Anchor has no qualms publicly expressing how bummed she is about her city not being included in your new product launch. Don’t worry, Jenna! You’ll get your chance to try the Taco Bell chicken sandwich!
nah – i can get a crispy chicken sandwich anywhere.
taco bell was the only place i could get mexican pizza https://t.co/WWvASIiLlp
— Kevin Robillard (@Robillard) February 22, 2021
Past sins
We knew someone was going to bring up the Mexican Pizza. Not all of the Taco Bell menu changes have been received positively.
But where’s my Mexican pizza? 😤 https://t.co/Y6XriMAX2z
— ⚜️ wendi ⚜️ (@wendipeffercorn) February 22, 2021
We get it
Okay, okay, you miss the Mexican Pizza. But let’s look at the new stuff in the Taco Bell menu, not the stuff that’s missing!
Taco bell won the chicken sandwich wars years ago before they started with the naked chicken chalupa. All there is to it.
— Zagnutreus (@ThusSpakeBrosef) February 22, 2021
Mind blown
Winning before the battle even starts? Who’s in charge of the new Taco Bell menu? Is it famed mindbender Christopher Nolan?
So @tacobell , you get rid of the taco salad and mexican pizza but sell a chicken sandwich and fries to compete with other establishments? I really wish @tacobueno would expand.
Taco Bell Is Rolling Out Its Version Of A Chicken Sandwich And We Need To Taco 'Bout It htt
— oh…and wendy (@wendyinthedena) February 22, 2021
This one hurts
There’s something particularly mean-spirited about dragging Taco Bueno into this conversation.
Can #TacoBell just be Taco Bell again!!! 😩🥺 we don’t want another chicken sandwich!!! We want Mexican Pizzas!!!!
— Suzanne Britt 🌹 (@suzidb23) February 22, 2021
Be yourself
Look, Mexican Pizza tantrums aside, this is Taco Bell being Taco Bell. It’s what they do. And we’re all going to eat it up and regret it the next day. That’s what we do.