Mewgulf from ‘TharnType’ is the cutest: All the most adorable scenes
MewGulf, the acting duo behind our favorite Thai Boy Love drama, TharnType, are two of the sweetest, most adorable people. Actors Mew Suppasit & Gulf Kanawut have amazing chemistry as college roommates Thar and Type who develop a romance. From the moment we watched them on TharnType, we’ve been awestruck. How can they be so cute?!
It’s hard to miss. Mew Suppasit & Gulf Kanawut are so genuine & adorable together off-screen that fans speculate whether or not they’re a couple in real life. MewGulf has called their connection a “bromance,” saying it’s just a friendship. Either way, we love how cute they are together on and off-screen. Here are some of our favorite moments.
Cat ears in bed
This is one of the crowning Mewgulf moments. In S1Ep13 of TharnType, when Type wants Tharn to be silly with him early one morning, he pulls out some cat ears for them to wear.
Stirred from his sleep, Tharn refuses. He’s super cranky in the morning! But after Type becomes sad, Tharn relents, dons the cat ears, and meows, cheering Type up.
Feeding each other sushi
On a date after moving in together, Type feeds Tharn some sushi. The look on Tharn’s face says it all: the love, the yumminess. We can tell he’s blissfully enjoying his relationship with Type and the delicious affection. It’s scrumptious moments like this on TharnType that we live for!
MewGulf kiss and make up
In S1Ep5 of TharnType, Type brings a passionate, loving kiss after they had a fight. Tharn says he’s going to sleepover at someone else’s house. After they kiss, Tharn says he doesn’t want to reconcile, but he thinks of Type as more than a friend. After some smoldering looks and banter about Sprite, Tharn and Type are a couple.
We can tell Type loves Tharn (even when he pretends to hate him)
In a scene on TharnType where Type is telling his dad about Tharn, he pretends to scoff. He says Tharn’s a big jerk who’s all about himself and his looks. He tries to play it off like he hates Tharn, but we know Type is relishing in the thought of being back with his boyfriend soon.
Cuddling on TikTok
In a TikTok video, MewGulf cuddles in each other’s laps, nuzzling their noses together. If it weren’t cute enough, the sound is a high-pitched number called “Puppy Love.”
It’s a cuter version of a dramatic scene in TharnType where they’re cuddling in front of a window in a rainstorm, and it’s less sad.
MewGulf behind the scenes
The chemistry on TharnType goes on after the cameras stop rolling. On Mew’s lunch break, he’s giggling and eating a rice bowl. Clearly on the set, it’s endearing to see him be able to relax and have fun while on break.
On TikTok, Gulf twirls a fake mustache like a supervillain on a filming break. It’s one of the cutest things we’ve seen from MewGulf!
MewGulf eating snacks in the mall
In unedited footage, Mewgulf can be seen in the mall enjoying each other’s company. The footage shows MewGulf in nearly identical outfits except for the color, eating a snack, people watching & whispering in each other’s ear. It warms our hearts to see how happy they are out and about!