How will the cast of ‘Leverage’ look without Timothy Hutton?
Leverage fans got some wonderful news a couple of weeks ago. A revival of the beloved series has been ordered at the IMDbTV streaming service, which is owned by Amazon. Leverage marks the first original programming obtained by IMDbTV. The series, which ran from 2008 to 2012, lasted for five seasons on TNT. It was a popular show with a dedicated fanbase nearly a decade later.
Who doesn’t love a show about a group of modern-day Robin Hoods helping those screwed over by the one percent? Leverage has a cast that has been hoping to get back to work for years. So if you happened to miss the news of the revival, then here’s what the show may look like when it returns.
Timothy Hutton will not be back
Leverage cast members Gina Bellman (Sophie), Beth Riesgraf (Parker), and Christian Kane (Eliot) are set to return as series regulars. Aldis Hodge (Hardison) is set as recurring due to the fact that Leverage will more than likely film around the same time as City on a Hill’s second season.
Notably absent is Timothy Hutton, who played Nate Ford aka the Mastermind of the Leverage crew. While it is unconfirmed, many fans are speculating that Hutton’s absence is due to the 1984 rape allegations recently made against him.
So how will Nate Ford be written off the series? Our best theory is that he either a) died off-screen or b) is in parts unknown and will be quickly explained. Either way, Hutton will not be returning for the series.
Who will Noah Wyle play?
Noah Wyle, best known for ER and The Librarians, will join the cast of the Leverage revival. His role at the time is currently unknown, though many fans believe that he will be the new Mastermind. Hopefully, as with the end of the original series, Parker will remain the Mastermind of Team Leverage.
Because character development that’s why!
As for Wyle’s role, it remains unknown. Though we’re hoping he’s just a new person to the world of cons dragged into the chaos of the Leverage team. That would be interesting.
Where did we last leave off with Leverage?
With the series finale in 2012, we left Leverage forming Leverage International. The team got a hold of a black book with the names of everyone who benefitted from the 2008 recession and escaped justice. Parker, Eliot, and Hardison were leading the charge in order to continue the Leverage mission.
Sophie and Nate, however, decided to take a retirement from cons in order to have their happily ever after. So whatever brings the group together again, it will have to be pretty big. Either way, we’re hoping that the ending will be in effect going into the revival.
Mary E Brewer
Very excited how they willl present Noah Wyle in Leverage 2.
May 6, 2020Love this show and hope the continuation of it goes well.
This is where i first discovered Christian Kane!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Love the show Leverage. Noah Wylie is good also. Ive always liked Tim Hutton and his dad. And yes what happened to INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. There is a lot of extortion going on these days.
July 26, 2021Sharon
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I’d be willing to bet that they kill off his character.
May 8, 2020Suus
Sadly these kinds of accusations don’t fall under innocent until proven guilty for society. I agree with you but if they did hire Timmothy Hutton there would be a massive amount of backlash, which for them sadly isn’t worth it.
June 7, 2020val
Just cant see this without Hutton. Doing the show like this implies that they think he’s guilty and without evidence, this is unfair and prejudicial to the man’s reputation and career.
August 30, 2020Angela
No Timothy Hutton, no Leverage for me.
July 23, 2020Kim
October 10, 2020Sean
Killing Nate off would be lazy writing & I’d like to give Devlin more credit than making that choice.
There is an alternative that they already set it up in the original series finale. The team is now Elliot, Parker and Hardison. They could have a situation where the new team pulls Sophie in rather than explaining why Nate is out. This situation could wrap around the introduction of Noah’s character. It might not be easy, but I have faith in the Leverage team’s writing.
Truth be told, I am biased. I love Nate. He’s a great character and I would hate to see him killed off.
I have faith in Devlin’s (and Rogers’s) writing and I hope they don’t take the easy way out. They didn’t do it with Sophie during season 2 & I hope they find a clever way to deal with Hutton’s absence without just killing him off (which in my opinion would be kinda lazy).
August 12, 2020Kim
No Timothy Hutton no Leaverage2. He was a HUGE part of the show. Seriously, without him the reboot is dead at the door. I love the other characters but there’s a reason why the show worked so well.
October 10, 2020As far as not bringing him back due to rumors and that’s what they are, is just sad.
Irene Messina
He needs to get back to the show!!!!
October 24, 2020Michelle Klein
I hope that Timothy has good lawyers and I’d like to think that he didn’t do those things he’s accused of maybe you can come back on the reboot!
October 29, 2020Ms. Robirds
Timothy Hutton should at least be given a chance to make a few appearances in the season. He has not been convicted of anything, only accused, and there is a lot of that being done to innocent people – yes some guilty also. But Timothy Hutton? Come on folks. Love the rest of the cast equally as Hutton but just seems a hole will exist. I won’t miss it’s premiere or a single episode. Still watch the reruns. Just would be close to perfect with Hutton appearing. Thankful the cast was available to do this. I am excited.
November 7, 2020Debbie Johnson
No Timothy Hutton? What happened to innocent until proven guilty. Over 30 years ago?? C’mon seriously!! Not the same without NATE!!!!
November 28, 2020janneke
no timothy hutton!! no leverage for me ever again!!!
January 27, 2021Bev
I totally agree with everyone else! I loved, loved, loved Leverage! I have never before owned DVDs of an entire series, but I do now, and, even though I love the cast, it just wouldn’t be the same without Mr Hutton.
April 18, 2021R
Bring back Timothy Hutton!
May 6, 2021NitaNita
No disrespect to Noah Wylie because I think he a fine actor but….,Leverage won’t be the same without the ENTIRE ORIGINAL cast!!! Timothy Hutton hasn’t been found guilty of anything so to exclude him on an accusation is just not fair to him or the fans.
May 26, 2021Anon Anon
I watched Leverage because of Hutton. I intensely dislike Wylie. So I will not be watching the new Leverage
June 3, 2021rspar
Noah Wylie bring back Librarians or Falling Skies Hutton belongs here.
June 5, 2021Denise Samuel
Watching the new leverage now and i really like it I love the old leverage the new is not so bad 😁glad to have something back
July 11, 2021A fan
Just watched the first two episodes of the new leverage. They were really good. Just as exciting and fun as the originl show, even without Timothy Hutton. The cast works well together and you shouldn’t dismiss their talents just because Hutton is not on the show. Noah Wylie also did a good job and in my opinion he fit in just fine with the rest of the cast. SPOILER ALERT….My only disappointment is that Aldis Hodge (Hardison) will have to scale back his involvement in the show because of his commitment to City on a Hill. You will be missing out on good show ,not many theses days, just because of the absence of one character.
July 11, 2021james
Killing off a beloved character because of an actor is rather disrespectful to people who were fans of the show.
You don’t have to bring an actor back, but you can still let a character have a happy ending.
July 12, 2021itasara
I am watching the new Leverage now and I really love it. I hated when old one stopped. I miss “Nate” but the other originlal charachters and new ones are very good. The Story line is like the original ones,. I hope the “team” will come back for another series!!
October 13, 2021Irish Eyes
I love the old Leverage. Haven’t seen the new ones yet.
November 18, 2021Regarding Tim Hutton, I’d like to think he’s innocent but 30 years ago he was probably an egotistical ass who thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. “Fame” will do that to you.
I do think he did what he’s accused of. Like they say, where there’s smoke there’s fire.
These things happen so many years ago Timothy Hutton should come back he is a huge part of the show. As for the girls and the allegations they flat out lied about their age not his fault.
July 26, 2022