BTS’s Jin: Celebrate his birthday by checking out his first solo song
Jimtober may have been the month to celebrate Jimin’s birthday but the beginning of December is all about Jin. Happy birthday to BTS’s Jin! We hope he has many more years to come!
Many ARMYs recognize Jin is often an underappreciated member of BTS, especially internationally. He may not have the boyish charm of Jungkook or the alluring sultriness of Jimin, but he’s got that unique Jin appeal with his broad shoulders and unique personality.
Before “Tonight” Jin’s only solo tracks had been cover songs. Everyone’s ecstatic about this new development. “Tonight” was released as part of BTS’s Fest celebration, which celebrates the upcoming sixth anniversary of their debut. Let’s dive into this new song and the history that went into creating it.
Inspiration for “Tonight”
Like Jin, the inspiration for his new solo is absolutely adorable. According to the BTS blog, Jin’s song was inspired by his pets. It’s okay. We’ll give you a moment uwu over that. Take your time. You good?
Okay, so Jin wrote on the BTS blog, “This is a song that I wrote while thinking of my pets. It’s the first time I’ve written my own song, and I hope you enjoy listening to it.”
Usually, Suga is the brains of the BTS song-writing operation but this song was all Jin, in performance and lyricism. He’s really proud of his new creation and ARMY is too. In it, BTS fans get to see a new side of Jin they’ve never known. What a birthday present for his adoring fans!
The lyrics of Jin’s first solo song
Like we said before, “Tonight” is an ode to Jin’s pets. While that’s super cute on the surface, when you look into the history of Jin’s pets you realize it’s also very sad. If you’ve listened to “Tonight” (which you should have to honor Jin’s birthday!) you’ll find the words being sung are not the peppy, cutesy lyrics you might expect from someone singing about their pets.
“Tonight” is actually quite a melancholy, wistful song. Jin used to have a Maltese named Jjangg but Jjangg sadly died from old age on his brother’s birthday in 2017. Jin was then gifted two sugar gliders by his parents who he named Odeng & Eomuk. Eomuk ended up dying in 2018 and then Odeng died in 2019 by falling from a bridge in his cage.
In the song, Jin looks back on the good times with his pets and expresses the fear that creeps in when he thinks about how easily any new love could swiftly pass into the next life. Jin still owns one sugar glider named Gukmul who used to keep Odeng company after Eomuk passed.
We bring up all this sadness and sorrow on such a happy day so you can truly understand the meaning behind Jin’s new song. When Jin soulfully sings, “I’m afraid if I won’t see you after this night” and then goes on to say “And the face that smiled at me, I wonder if I can see you again” he’s not talking about some girl he misses.
He’s talking about the pain of losing a pet he held dear, and wondering if he’ll ever get a chance to see them again. When you actually grasp the pain and sincerity that went into creating “Tonight” it makes you appreciate it more.
Seven reasons to love Jin
Alright, that’s enough somberness and sadness for one day. In honor of Jin’s birthday here are seven reasons to love Jin:
Jin’s a great cook. (He once filleted an entire flatfish and served a sashimi dinner to the rest of the gang.) Jin’s traffic light beatbox dance is hilarious. If you don’t know what we’re talking about just look up ‘Jin traffic light dance’ on YouTube. Jin’s laugh is contagious. The other boys can attest to this. Despite being the eldest BTS member, Jin is an utter goofball.
On the flip side, he also takes care of the other members (he’s done things like taking the other boys to school and made sure they have sunscreen on). Did we mention his great vocals? Like duh though, right? You could be part of BTS with average ones. And last but not least, because he’s Jin. There’s only one Jin in the world and ARMY loves him for who he is. Happy Birthday, Jin!