Jungkook and Lisa? Could we see a romantic BTS and Blackpink collab?
Blackpink, the all-girl K-pop sensation, and BTS, the successful K-pop boy band, have become internationally famous, earning them a strong fanbase. Fans of these two bands have been waiting to see a collaboration between them, but can the fans’ fantasies be fulfilled?
Not only are fans waiting for a song featuring Blackpink & BTS, but they’re also waiting for love to ignite between the members of the two bands. In particular, everyone’s anticipating a romance between Jungkook & Lisa.
Fans have many questions for these two K-pop bands. Are we ever going to see a collaboration between Blackpink & BTS? Is there something going on between Lisa & Jungkook? Here’s what you should know.
Jungkook & Lisa?
Ever since we heard of Blackpink & BTS, everyone has been wondering if something could happen between the members of these bands. Rumors about a secret romance have been going around for a long time now.
One of the couples supported the most by fans everywhere is Jungkook & Lisa. They have been spotted together a few times, making most fans wonder if there could be a secret romance going on between the two young singers.
We can totally see why the world wants them to get together; unfortunately, it’s not going to happen any time soon. To do so, first we would need YG Entertainment, Blackpink’s label, to relax their policies a lot.
YG Entertainment has a “dating ban” for Blackpink’s members (and other bands as well). This means Lisa wouldn’t be able to date Jungkook unless she received permission from the former CEO, Yang Hyun-Suk.
With such strict policies, it doesn’t look like we’re going to see Jungkook & Lisa dating. Still, we can’t blame the world for wishing this dream couple was real.
Blackpink & BTS
Even if we don’t get to see Jungkook & Lisa together, we could still hope for a collaboration between these two bands, right? While there aren’t any policies forbidding Blackpink & BTS from releasing a song together, we may not get to experience such a magnificent situation in the near future.
Every K-pop band label works hard to maintain its stars’ images. While we’re constantly hearing good news about Blackpink & BTS, a collaboration isn’t exactly the best possible move for YG Entertainment.
If we got a hit from Blackpink & BTS, fans would go crazy and more rumors could start to spread. After all, it only took some photographs for everyone to start theorizing about Jungkook & Lisa’s secret love. If we saw the two bands collaborate, there wouldn’t be a way to stop the fans from shipping everyone!
The bands would obviously release a video, so if Jungkook & Lisa had a scene together, the frame would definitely become viral. This would put more pressure on both YG Entertainment and the two bands.
On the other hand, if we don’t get to see the two of them together, fans won’t stop tweeting about how unfair it is. With the amazing social media power of their fanbase, the labels & the bands won’t see the end of Twitter threads condemning their decision.
A collaboration like this would be hard for the world to handle. So, at least for now, we’re not going to get the Blackpink & BTS song of our dreams.
Will we ever get what we want?
If you’re a Blackpink or a BTS fan, it might feel like your prayers are not being heard. While it does sound pretty impossible at the moment, we might get to see Blackpink & BTS some time in the future. Even if we don’t, no one can really stop us from shipping Jungkook & Lisa, right?
NEVER, come on, that is unbelievable I would NOT WANT THEM TO BE THERE, fr, Don’t ship them either, the fact that this is on when you search BTS on google is a disgrace, I can’t believe this.
October 8, 2020Petra
Jsem ARMY a nemám ráda BLACKPINK a Jungkook nechodí ani nerandí a ani nemiluje Lisu a to same Lisa Jungkooka a za mě NE nechci aby ARMY a nebo BLINK (některé ) byli sklamaní že jejich idoly lhali protože BTS říkali že milujou a chodí z ARMY
October 8, 2020To samé BLACKPINK že milujou BLINK
Takže NEEEEEEE Jungkook nemá nochodi nemiluje nerandí s Lisou
A ke spolupráci nedojde je to nemožné kvůli pravidlům a kvůli tomu že pokud někdo sledujete aplikaci Vlive tak můžete vědět že když BTS tancovali Just dance a byla tam písnička od BLACKPINK (konkrétně kill this love ) tak se všichni členové BTS začali smát že je to trapná písnička stejně jako já já totiž nemám ráda BLACKPINK 🤮💔🤢🤮
Don’t let bighit see this bruh… a song would be nice but I don’t want it them dating no luv we don’t ship them or else we will get sued and we really don’t want it unless the boys want it and we will respect them if they do but nah we good you are kinda a little delulu don’t you think.
October 8, 2020S
Please stop shipping jungkook and lisa together they are senior and junior who are working in a same industry. Being an army it’s a request jungkook doesn’t like to be shipped. Please stop shipping and stop making him uncomfortable.
October 8, 2020Xan
Fans should know their limit.If they’re dating then it’s fine..If they are not, it’s fine too..Fans should not control their idols personal life..Fans think that they are authorized to choose who their idols would date.Come on!If one day BTS members announce that they date someone,please don’t hate the girl..whether she’s an idol, a BP member or a non celebrity girl.
October 8, 2020anon
lmao i’d rather believe lisa and cai xu kun are real than these two
October 8, 2020Rashmi
Nooo Jungkook likes IU and BTS is more close to red velvet
October 8, 2020Purva sapate
It’s not
October 12, 2020Jk don’t likes IU
IU is the one who likes jk
No it’s jk who likes iu
October 27, 2020loren_grace
I just wonder, Lisa and Jungkook have common friends like Bambam from Got7, havent they been introduced to each other. Like what if Jungkook had developed interest in Lisa and maybe vice versa and they approached each other through their common friend and then got together in a relationship. Isnt that a possibility? I just have this question in my mind. I dont ship them though.
October 8, 2020I have seen few videos on youtube that hype up about a simple eye contact, i know those are lame, but some of them really seem like they were crushing on each other. So thats why this question came into my mind. Its just a question.
No ❤️
October 9, 2020Pri
Don ‘t make such news .The members have already said not to ship them with other girl groups .So plz ! And we would love to see a collabration between them.But i dont think it will happen because of the company issues and people will ship them again .
October 9, 2020Magda
Its nice if they collab beacuase they might earn millions or billions of subscribers. At least if they are making a MV for their collaboration maybe they could have a separate scene so that both band wouldn’t be shipped…..I’m just expressing my opinion here don’t judge me😁😊…and sorry for the grammars😅
October 9, 2020ss
While some army are getting angry blinks be like ‘Oh it’s just another ship and collaboration article..’ and some armyblinks like me be ‘Oh I wish it would become true!!’ getting excited….
October 9, 2020Pooji
Not at all they should not and will not collab . And lizkook,bts and army doesn’t like that ship. So dont waste ur time by shipping them . It’s very disgusting. And army gonna hit blackpink if that ship continues.
October 9, 2020Idknanmolla
You can shut up like forvever
October 9, 2020Spade
Honestly this entire aritcle screams out DELULU and nothing else. Really award shows expose them? I mean I have seen videos that even a simple eye contact is a problem. It’s like this:
Jk and Lisa minds their own business.
DELULU FANS: They are avoiding each other coz they are dating/in love.
Jk and Lisa accidentally makes eyes contact or eye contact in general.
DELULU FANS: They can’t control themselves around each other coz they are in love and haven’t seen each other for idk 1264578 years or something.
Jk and Lisa breaths.
People instead of shipping learn to support artists. These types of fans are the ones that hate on artists or leave the fandom becoz their ship didn’t make it and is dating or marrying someone else. Like the ship is the only reason they even Stan them. We all have seen EXO’s case the fan and their fantasies didn’t come true and they even bought the merch destroyed it and send it back why coz one he was marrying the love of his life and also had a child with her.
So to all DELULU FANS out there don’t Stan artists for the ships but rather their talent. If you can’t do that and are waiting to hate on them when you’re so called ships doesn’t come true, then LEAVE RIGHT NOW. WE WANT REAL FANS WHO SUPPORT THE ARTIST THEY LIKE DESPITE WHO THEY LOVE, DATE OR MARRY NOT FANS WHO HATE ON THEM IF WHAT THEY DO IS OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU DELULU’S LIKE.
October 9, 2020Rutu kim
Hello ! No one is waiting for their Collab 😂 and yes ! Jk loves iu ( not a ship I am just telling this dumb person ) and don’t ship them !!! You crazy !!! Wiggle your hips somewhere else ! Stop giving fake news on Google platform !
October 9, 2020ARMY
Shipping is the second most ridiculous and funny thing of kpop after sasaengs 🤦🤦 I don’t like Lisa at all especially her fanbase gosh such toxics fans I’ve ever seen in my life. I don’t care if y’all come at me for liking Lisa. It’s my opinion to whom to like or not like. Same goes to idols. Just because they are youngest of two popular k-pop band they should date LMAO 🤣🤣🤣. I don’t like liskook and shipping. Keep dreaming shippers
October 9, 2020Someone
I always want they have a collaboration. I hope they’re gonna collab before BTS going to the military service😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.
October 9, 2020Rohi
I really don’t like shipping Jungkook and lisa and those who ship them, we don’t know what’s going on between the two companies or between them,, how could we just put them together,, even if they don’t like it, rumors are the most horrible thing in kpop, we should respect whom we love and support, who gives us the right to take such an important decision of their life. Don’t put them in such a miserable condition 😐
October 9, 2020Junniel
Lol. Bts are going on story base and Black Pink goes on Teddy base so~ collaboration? Jungkook and Lisa? Nope. I don’t think so. Come on!~ let the two Maknae breathe! These delulus are really, like, really something. 🤣
October 9, 2020PRANESH SAXENA
Don’t ship the idols … Nor their bands are collaborating neither their is any kind of romantic spark between Jungkook-Lisa. Both of them are pretty young.. so please let them be committed towards their career..
October 10, 2020justanotherarmy
Im so sorry but you are acting like you ACTUALLY believe that idols DO NOT DATE, whem they do. Also we are not saying that they are getting married or anything, being young has nothing to do with dating or not dating, bruh, my first boyfriend was at 14
January 6, 2021Arvie
Ahh!! These news…. guess waht I am a Big Army… and a blink too but I never ship any of the members…. my bias is V but still I don’t like how you ship Lisa and jk together.. first of all jk has preference for “noona” that can be iu or j Hope’s sister… though I don’t ship any ……but they are type of his preference and Lisa is also shipped with 3rd kamikaze they both are of Thailand…. So stop faking the news…. And I hope they marry the one who is good enough for them and hope it could be Army and blink ….. Let’s see how lucky they are to get there those wives…..(For BTS). And husband’s (for BlackPink)… And the never marry any idol……(I can just say it’s there choice at last)……. Ahh
October 10, 2020Lisa manoban
As a ArmyBlink…I like both the groups very much and would have no problem if they collab 😇…coz both the bands are awesome so if the collab and make a song it can make many records ( but for that blinks( some) armys( some ) need to stop the fanwars ..
Jk and lisa ?
Well the pics I have seen of them together are all edited so I dont think any of them is true ..and the fact that many people start shipping them just coz the looked at each other in a award show is just so nonsense …like come on if u look at someone it doesn’t mean u are dating him/her …let the idols live their life , if they would be dating u all will know it one day but for now can we all stop making a fuss out of it.
So , I really want bts and bp to collab but on some conditions
October 10, 20201. No shipping
2. No fanwars
🙄idk if these would be possible but I will hope for it 💜💜
leJINdary potato
As an armyblink, the idea of bts and blackpink collaborating would be amazing, but the likelihood of it happening it very slim. Also, Jungkook has made it clear that he doesnt want to be shipped with idols, so if your a real army you would respect that. Maybe him and Lisa have talked, maybe they’re even friends, or more, but thats their business and their business only and its not our priority to know every detail about their outside life. Their humans too and deserve their privacy.
October 10, 2020Manu
Lizkook is a ghost shipping, they didn’t have any kind of interaction or moments. Therefore take my kind advice, don’t be delusional
October 10, 2020prettysavage
I saw a comment says “No one waiting for their collab” LMAO u sure? 100k above are waiting bijj. Just wanna inform y’all JK and Lisa knows that they’ve been shipped even Jk’s ’97 line friends know that.
Just a FACT
October 10, 2020Bngpnk
like some army’s here act like they own their artist and like saying lisa only likes jungkook and jungkook doesn’t give a damn about it and said to just stop shipping her with him. You guys really know how to put the blame to other people tf, you think lisa likes jungkook?😂think again🙂, Some army’s are so damn sensitive about jungkook being with lisa like tf do you really think we blinks loves to see lisa with jungkook? 😂yow you guys are delusional. We only ship our artist with people they actually want and not own them by ourselves cause they have life too, we maybe disgusting as you say but we don’t control our artists life like you did. So true
October 13, 2020Dedman blue
Hahaha you’re killing me
October 10, 2020Bngpnk
Jk not love iu. we don’t now Lisa and Jk dating or noting but really we want this. Only time respect toxics
October 13, 2020Tata
Liskook?? But I thought jungkook had a crush on IU…
October 10, 2020t⁷
no 💜 stop this nonsense those idols can’t even breathe without y’all forcing a non existent ship on them. it’s 2020 y’all grow tf up. 💜
October 10, 2020Eram
I love Nancy and jungkook
October 11, 2020Bella Kim
duh like some army’s here act like they own their artist and like saying lisa only likes jungkook and jungkook doesn’t give a damn about it and said to just stop shipping her with him. You guys really know how to put the blame to other people tf, you think lisa likes jungkook?😂think again🙂, Some army’s are so damn sensitive about jungkook being with lisa like tf do you really think we blinks loves to see lisa with jungkook? 😂yow you guys are delusional. We only ship our artist with people they actually want and not own them by ourselves cause they have life too, we maybe disgusting as you say but we don’t control our artists life like you did.
October 11, 2020ARMY
Don’t sheep them. not all armys and blinks wants to sheep BTS and BLACKPINK you are just making them uncomfortable. Shiping them is discusting
October 11, 2020Bngpnk
Yakistiriyorum olsa sevinirdim ama bunu zaman gosterir
October 13, 2020Blimy
I really want
October 13, 2020loren_grace
but still how do he shippers show so many coincidences, like matching rings, similar social media posts at the same time, jungkook smiling when he heard lisa name in interview and all that?
October 14, 2020Solymar
There are many fans who would like the collaboration and love lizkook, but in the MESSAGES of this post you can see who the problem is. (Jealous bts fans) Blink is like “oh, collaboration and shipping news” if it’s real Whether or not it’s a girl thing, we love them for their music and personality regardless of the rest, most of us will support them if they date someone, they’ve even wondered if The LIZKOOK was real, what would they do, there are toxic fans but the Most responded that they would support Lisa (although many do not like the army of fans) because it is her private life but that they care about the armies that I hate bp for nothing and worse would be With this, all the hatred that would come would be from jealous armies , Blink would have to defend them and a war is waged. Also, that doesn’t mean you have to like or support the other group, but if you respect the person your favorite artist is dating and RESPECT HIS PERSONAL DECISION.
October 15, 2020Even blink says that they would support them if they date someone unpleasant to the fandom, we are not talking about the army but the army is very jealous (immature I would say) the artists are free to date who they want they are HUMAN before artists and do not belong to the fans NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT to decide on your preferences.
There are many fans who would like the collaboration and love lizkook, but in the MESSAGES of this post you can see who the problem is. (Jealous bts fans) Blink is like “oh, collaboration and shipping news” if it’s real Whether or not it’s a girl thing, we love them for their music and personality regardless of the rest, most of us will support them if they date someone, they’ve even wondered if The LIZKOOK was real, what would they do, there are toxic fans but the Most responded that they would support Lisa (although many do not like the army of fans) because it is her private life but that they care about the armies that I hate bp for nothing and worse would be With this, all the hatred that would come would be from jealous armies , Blink would have to defend them and a war is waged. Also, that doesn’t mean you have to like or support the other group, but if you respect the person your favorite artist is dating and RESPECT HIS PERSONAL DECISION
Even blink says that they would support them if they date someone unpleasant to the fandom, we are not talking about the army but the army is very jealous (immature I would say) the artists are free to date who they want they are HUMAN before artists and do not belong to the fans NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT to decide on your preferences.
They use phrases like, “they don’t even know each other” “they don’t even speak” “they are just matching looks” “they are closer to another artist” “no, they like X person more or I would like X person” “they hate each other, they behave wrong “my question is;
October 15, 2020Are you sure?
Are you sure you don’t know each other or have interacted in PRIVATE?
Are you sure it’s just a coincidence?
How do you know that you like someone more romantically?
They do not know everything, they are assumptions like this, THEY CAN MEET AND TALK IN PRIVATE and the fans do not know why they do not live with them, if they go out together or not it is their life and as fans we must support our favorite artist because he is their PERSONAL
LIFE and there no one can decide more than themselves. For toxic fans, won’t you? sorry, it is not for you, the important thing is that he / she likes it because it is he / she who is with his / her special person, NOT YOU.
The important thing is that she likes it or loves it.
The important thing is that he likes or loves her.
You don’t count, it’s his / her decision
I completely agree with you!! I’m not going to lie I’m sending the LIZKOOK (but I’m not obsessed eh) those in the comments who say they don’t know each other as if they know JK and LISA’s life I don’t understand them! They have a lot of friends in common, it’s not impossible that they don’t know each other in private. If we find out later that they are together I would be very happy for them but if not I would always support them, the most important thing for us ARMYBLINK is the happiness of our idols.
October 27, 2020justanotherarmy
Looking at it on the bright side, the ARMY’s and BLINKS that ship Lisa and Jungkook are basically saying that they are ok with their bias and favorite idols dating. The people that are so defensive about it and saying that they have never met, never spoken a word to each other and that they are “not dating bc they are focusing on their career” are the ARMY’s and BLINKS that are going to go nuts and have a mayor meltdown on the internet if we hear that a BTS member is dating someone or BLACKPINK member dating someone. Us shippers are in a way more realistic and open to that possibility
January 6, 2021