High school vs. college professors: The funniest memes comparing the two
Transitioning from high school to college can be a challenge for many, while others find the freedom & stimulation of higher education to be endlessly refreshing. Whether you adjust to college easily or not, the difference between higher education & highschool is stark and nowhere more present than in the classroom.
High school teachers are tough, and they all warn you college professors will be even tougher. However, many find that upon arriving on campus, these intimidations about college professors fall flat, and students often take to Twitter to express their impressions on their new educators in the form of memes. We compiled our favorites below that show the difference a year can make.
How highschool teachers say your college professors will be vs how they actually are pic.twitter.com/y6aTCPlHGJ
— Tim (@CharlesXVl) November 25, 2019
Famous last words
Highschool teachers teach discipline along with consistent warnings about how students won’t be able to get away with their unruly behavior in college. However, college professors are usually, well, mad chill. This meme says it all.
how my high school teachers made college professors sound VS how my actual professors are …. pic.twitter.com/wpCmaJXYYC
— kay (@kayleelahr) October 14, 2016
From the way high school teachers describe college professors, you’d expect to receive emails that look like summons. This meme shows college professors speak students’ language.
High school teachers: you must be serious! listen I have a bachelor's from EKU take me seriously this will not fly in college!
College professors: yes i do have a doctorate from Harvard but you can call me Jack and here's your first HW assignment it is a meme: pic.twitter.com/MMhkwtOa2L— Austin (@aster2251) August 22, 2018
High school teachers tell their students college professors are no nonsense. So why are college students getting their homework assignments in meme form?
High school teachers: your college professors are not going to play around y’all need to be serious and profesional!!!!!!
College professors: if you ask me a question that’s on the syllabus then I’m going to send you one of these memes pic.twitter.com/QDt5VfMrMe— Leah (@Leahbc14) January 19, 2018
Meme education
Speaking of memes, it seems one of the trademark differences of high school teachers & college professors is the use of memes in the classroom. As this pick shows, memes are the language of the student.
High school teachers: “ College isn’t a joke”
College professors: “Want extra credit ? Make a meme.” pic.twitter.com/cUUkEbmuWj— Beans (@OrthSierra) May 15, 2019
Sometimes college professors even ask their students to make memes for class credit. This certainly wouldn’t fly in high school.
High school teachers Vs. College professors teaching American History really be like pic.twitter.com/QmGaHRKDYi
— Harley Richeaux (@harlssnarkly) October 25, 2019
That was then; this is now
College can be mind blowing when college professors get into revisionist history and unpack certain overlooked aspects of academic subjects. This meme captures the difference between American history class in college & high school.
High School Teacher vs. College Professor pic.twitter.com/zpVIeZhyK4
— patrick (@patrickseacrist) April 5, 2018
High school teachers use the whiteboard to lay out notes for students to copy. College professors use it as a reference point and sometimes get a little animated in lecture. Don’t worry about the board – just pay attention.
high school teachers vs. college professors pic.twitter.com/bB9odnMUEN
— Serial Entreprenuer 🐐 (@taelorjayy27) August 30, 2019
High school can feel like a prison, and teachers are like guards who set you free at their will. College professors, on the other hand, sometimes want to leave even more than you do.
Me in high school when teachers couldn't tell us their opinions VS. Me in college when all professors do is share their opinions pic.twitter.com/0bpYFF8xA7
— claire ❀ 𓆏 (@c00lclaire) October 12, 2016
Students want to know who their high school teachers really are, and catching them in the grocery store after school hours is like seeing an animal in the wild. College professors, though, need to dial back their oversharing a little.
What high school teachers required you to use vs what college professors only allow you to use pic.twitter.com/77mzCwlY3W
— Jay Ullrich (@jayeau) April 26, 2018
Sometimes college can feel like a downgrade, like when college professors make you get rid of your beloved graphing calculator and put your math knowledge to the test. Sorry buddy, we told you that kind of stuff wouldn’t fly in college.