Here are the dankest memes about the busted love rat cop Jason Collier
Texas police chief Jason Collier recently resigned after being accused of cheating on his wife with two women and allegedly showing one of them a fake marriage annulment. According to Sgt. Cindy Barkley of the Texas Department of Public Safety, the forty-one-year-old was arrested for “tampering with a government record.” As usual, the internet wasted no time conjuring up some memes. Here are some of our favorites.
trying to keep up with both the GameStop/Reddit hedge fund saga and the Jason Collier scandal pic.twitter.com/t100wnMpiP
— emily: 2021 (@emcrane0) January 28, 2021
Too much drama!
This hilarious meme is basically all of us right now. Between last week’s mandatory crash course on the stock market and this week’s head-spinning Jason Collier cop drama, it’s pretty hard to keep track of everything the internet has to offer.
Bridgerton will have to wait…
Season one of #JasonCollier is now playing. pic.twitter.com/MrDabwK36L
— Irene (@ReenieDiva) January 28, 2021
Something new to binge
This Twitter user perfectly encapsulates how torn we are on what we should binge this week. Yes, Bridgerton has us watching eight episodes at a time without a break. But, then again, it seems like Jason Collier has a new girlfriend every time we turn our phones on. Pick your poison . . .
I went down this rabbit hole last night #JasonCollier pic.twitter.com/RM5c7WsW8m
— Courtney Jane (@cjrav16) January 28, 2021
I hate drama
At this moment, we can all relate to Kris Jenner. Yes, we all love to say we don’t like drama, but when a police chief resigns for having a bajillion girlfriends? How could we resist . . .
Me, waiting for Jason Collier to propose like: pic.twitter.com/sADJwE68Me
— Jaycee ✨ (@miss_jaycee) January 28, 2021
Meeting of the memes
January’s big memes featured Bernie Sanders wearing mittens at the Inauguration. So, it only makes sense that the internet would create a hybrid of January’s best memes and February’s best memes (so far, that is.)
I’m stressed out about juggling my work-life balance, and meanwhile, #JasonCollier is over there just giving away coffee makers and balancing a wife, four kids, and 9,725,297 fiancés. pic.twitter.com/75UP5qPN7p
— Dr. Sarah Daly Needs a Nap (@SarahDalyCJ) January 28, 2021
All about balance
Let’s face it, finding a balance in our daily life is hard enough as it is. But Jason Collier balancing girlfriends, fiancés, and wives? We simply have no idea how he did it. And honestly, we’re kind of impressed . . .
I’ll be waiting for the Netflix documentary. #jasoncollier pic.twitter.com/thtP8EDaRy
— c (@CaitlinCookieK) January 29, 2021
Cougar King
This hilarious meme reminds us of the early days of quarantine, in which everyone was obsessed with Joe Exotic from Netflix’s Tiger King. This Twitter user suggests that, over night, Jason Collier has become the new Tiger King for 2021. And we can totally see the resemblance.
One of my friends randomly shared the original post about #JasonCollier on Facebook earlier today and I’ve been going down the rabbit hole ever since then. pic.twitter.com/NISnbHF9Hm
— Jessica Rose Cuneo (@JE_SSpere12) January 28, 2021
Down the rabbit hole
One Twitter user had the genius idea to repurpose one of our favorite memes – Charlie Day standing frenzied in front of his conspiracy theory board in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – to fit the occasion. And it perfectly represents all of us trying to get to the bottom of the Jason Collier cop drama.
Me showing up at the police department in #Stinnett Texas…
"Are y'all hiring?" #JasonCollier pic.twitter.com/7RDOBHRbdZ
— Donald R. Guillory, #Author, @TheNecronomi (@donguillory) January 28, 2021
Are y’all hiring?
Another Twitter user hilariously reminded us there’s now a vacant cop spot in the Stinnett Police Department. Awkward!
How can I be productive when I just want to see how far the #JasonCollier rabbit hole goes? pic.twitter.com/dbU3Dwtdl4
— TexasGal (@24cedarfever) January 29, 2021
All my exes live in Texas
This meme simply states a classic George Strait lyric which fits eerily with Jason Collier’s life right now. We wonder if the cop is considering moving to another state right about now . . .
Someone sign me up for the Jason Collier time management class. pic.twitter.com/92xuizFufx
— Brooke (@BrookeM225) January 29, 2021
Magic planner
Say what you will about Jason Collier, but to live the life he did, you have to be super well-organized.
Trying to get in on the ground floor #JasonCollier #StinettPD #CityOfStinnet @netflix pic.twitter.com/XIa9Ksz5jO
— Derrico13 (@TheScoleriBros) January 27, 2021
New Bachelor
One Twitter user imagined Jason Collier did all of this simply to prepare for his debut on The Bachelor, and, TBH, we can kinda see it . . .
Whether or not you’re a sucker for internet drama, you have to admit that the Jason Collier tea is pretty dang exciting. And, if the first month of 2021 can tell us anything about the year’s meme forecast, we’re in for some pretty good laughs.