Are Brendon Urie and his wife guilty for every bad thing on Earth?
Announcements were made, nominees were selected, and Brendon Urie & his wife Sarah Urie are officially the new face of all things 2021 & beyond. Twitter has created a new trend depicting Brendon Urie as our newest scapegoat.
With the year 2020 gone, Panic! At The Disco’s lead singer Brendon Urie has taken the fall for everything bad that has happened in our lives. According to Newsbreak, the “High Hopes” singer didn’t do anything to spark this unwanted Twitter attention, but social media has sure had a blast blaming him for John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 and other unbelievable events.
society after blaming everything on brendon urie pic.twitter.com/boctjRXsLE
— v 🧸 (@VICKYLOVESLOU_) January 6, 2021
Urie utopia
Twitter users have a new meaning of the perfect world, and it all starts with blaming everything on Brendon Urie & his wife Sarah.
Brendon Urie killed adobe flash pic.twitter.com/6Fvfd9LtNp
— icedea @ winry AND childe supremacy🦈 (@foreheadshark) January 6, 2021
R.I.P Adobe
If you aren’t panicked already, Brendon Urie & his wife are responsible for the gruesome death of the great Adobe flash drive. I think a thank you is in order.
// Brendon Urie
I blame brendon urie for the cancelation of robarazzi pic.twitter.com/73cl2DAaZW
— Kali🖤 (@Kaliii_x3) January 6, 2021
We were robbed
Nickelodeon’s Victorious fans are targeting Brendon Urie for the cancellation of the hit paparazzi gossip segment Robarazzi starring Robbie Shapiro (Matt Bennett).
Brendon urie broke up the Beatles pic.twitter.com/xB97goadzo
— abe 🪲 stream mccartney iii (@lennonsquish) January 6, 2021
Killer of rock & roll
We don’t know how or why, but it just makes sense. After “A Day in the Life” of rock & roll, Brendon Urie broke up The Beatles. Other Twitter users have also targeted the singer for breaking up another legendary boy band, One Direction.
brendon urie is making the polar bears go extinct pic.twitter.com/739mFaQA4S
— emmy (@belIatrix) January 6, 2021
Polar bears
Brendon Urie & his wife are hereby charged for the imminent extinction of polar bears. Sorry kids, but we know who did it.
brendon urie shot jay gatsby pic.twitter.com/Ac7B5xdRfY
— beidou magnet ✩ hates ap classes (@tinglyjitters) January 6, 2021
American dream
With The Great Gatsby’s murderer never found, Twitter has sentenced Brendon Urie to life in prison for killing Jay Gatsby. Not classy dude.
brendon urie is the reason club penguin shut down pic.twitter.com/vZS5nMymlG
— jinn baba (@amnreh) January 6, 2021
Club Penguin
If you remember the thrill of playing Club Penguin, you’ll remember the horror when the online game was shut down. Now Twitter users have Brendon Urie & his wife Sarah to blame.
brendon urie you're not seeing heaven pic.twitter.com/rLyyNhsMMj
— nini. (@anyasknightley) January 6, 2021
When the Oscar-winning actor & star of iconic films like My Left Food & There Will Be Blood announced his retirement, Brendon Urie definitely came to mind. Daniel Day-Lewis is retiring and according to Twitter users, Urie is going down.
brendon urie is responsible for the fall of the jedi order pic.twitter.com/lQJGTeNlXN
— natalia was s worded | RT📌 (@padmeshomo) January 6, 2021
Return of the Sith
Call the Republic and let them know a new team of Sith is to blame for the fall of the Jedi order, Brendon Urie. May the force be with us all.
Brendon Urie is the reason Tony stark died in endgame pic.twitter.com/4s1YT4ZK8J
— iPhone conspiracies (@BluegreenerL) January 6, 2021
Avengers: End Game had us grieving the loss of Tony Stark aka Iron Man after an incredible fight against Thanos. Tony may have saved us all from the wrath of Thanos, but did you know Brendon (“Brandon”) Urie was actually behind it all?
Brenden Urie & wife Sarah Urie have only kept low profiles since the start of 2021, but thanks to Twitter, we’ll be seeing a lot more of the Panic! At The Disco duo.