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Vote for 'Shadowhunters' in the Bingewatch Awards poll for Best 2019 Series Finale. Here's why it left the Shadowfam hungry for more.

‘Shadowhunters’ deserves the Bingewatch Award for Best 2019 Series Finale

Shadowhunters is definitely one of the most discussed and celebrated cancelled shows of all time. We’re still working to #SaveShadowhunters (as is every member of the Shadowfam!), but while we keep working it’s high time to appreciate the greatness of the final episode. That’s why we’re shining a light on the best TV show finales of 2019 in our newest poll.

Love for Shadowhunters is shown via all the love shared online, but also through the various conventions held nationwide. News of the series’s cancellation hit fans hard, leaving them fighting for more. 

Even though Shadowhunters came to an end, there’s one thing to celebrate: the amazing finale. S3B was a season to remember, and while we felt it was rushed at times it did give us some closure. The ending only solidified what a brilliant adaptation Shadowhunters truly is. After having been cancelled and the timeline altered, the story they still were able to tell with the episodes left was extraordinary. 

Shadowhunters gave the Shadowfam an amazing sendoff and, of course, left everyone wanting even more. That said, we did get answers for the fates of many of our beloved characters.

Here are all the reasons why Shadowhunters deserves to win the Bingewatch Award for Best 2019 Series Finale.

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The Malec wedding 

Before we said our tearful goodbyes, the Shadowfam rejoiced about the Malec wedding we all dreamed of. Not only was the ceremony beautiful and extremely emotional, it was also amazing for LGBTQ+ representation (and of course shined a light on interspecies marriages!). 

The finale gave Malec stans some much needed closure. Malec has been a favorite ship from the beginning and the Malec stans are not going to let a little series cancellation get in the way of their love for the pair. 

We even got to see Maryse walking Magnus down the aisle (queue joyful tears); her progress through the seasons was amazing to watch, and seeing her observing Alec with that proud look in her eyes was breathtaking! It’s a wonderful ceremony that left the audience crying their eyes out.

Clary’s heartbreak

Katherine McNamara brought amazing performances throughout the three seasons of Shadowhunters, but the finale has to be her greatest work. 

Seeing Clary’s realization that she would lose those she loves most broke the heart of every member of the Shadowfam, including us! We even got to see Jocelyn have a brief return to warn Clary. Clary has to use the powers bestowed upon her in order to save those she loves, even against the wishes of the angels – a truly amazing sacrifice that’s heartbreaking to watch.

Clace forever!

Clace stans: don’t worry, it looks like Clary and Jace get their happy ending after all! When all hope seemed lost, Clary runs out after Jace and we got that bittersweet interaction. Shadowhunters followed the romance between our very own Romeo and Juliet, except this love story doesn’t end in tragedy. 

Izzy gets her happily ever after

Clizzy warmed our hearts when the pair decided to become parabatais. Having saved everyone, Clary faced forgetting the Shadow World – and that includes Izzy. All was not lost for Izzy, and Climon stans got to see Simon and Izzy happy together (finally)! 

That’s not all: we saw our favorites a year after Clary left the institute. Izzy is now the head of the New York Institute. Seeing Izzy achieve her dreams and be the badass we all know and love gave the Shadowfam reassurance that their beloved Shadowhunter is living her best life. Shadowhunters threw many curve balls at our girlboss heroine – but seeing her achieve her goals in the finale was amazing. 

We have the Shadowhunters finale still in our minds, and Shadowhunters forever in our hearts. It’s no wonder we think of its finale as the best of the year. Every character gets his or her own happy ending, and the glimmer of hope for Clary also gives hope for the Shadowfam for a possible S4.

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