Get chicken fried with these deep frying memes
Ah, there’s nothing that will hurt you like deep frying. Don’t get us wrong: it’s delicious. But it’s also so, so very bad for you. Hey, people love their fried foods. Like anything anyone has loved in the history of ever, there are many memes. What’s even funnier is that thanks to the new age of technology, not only can you deep fry your food, but you can deep fry your memes as well. Yes, deep frying memes exist on the internet. . .
We can’t deny that deep frying memes are so bad and cringe-y that it’s just ironically so hilarious, and we’re not sure why. If you also enjoy your fair share of deep fried memes, laugh along with us at all the best ones here.
That’s one way to handle bad behavior. This may not be deep fried, but we’ll start off with memes that literally do talk about deep frying.
Dead memes
We can always resurrect old memes by deep frying it.
Different senses of humor
Who says your friends are always right?
Deep fried memes
Could deep frying memes be dead? What happens after that? Do we deep fry the deep fried memes to resurrect them? Our brains are already hurting.
Me and the boys
There’s nothing like the first deep-fry meme.
Making it funnier
Who knew a meme could be “loud”?
Hey, some folks just don’t understand the beauty of deep frying memes. We can’t blame them.
Extra crispy
Seriously, some memes went so deep into frying that it’s almost impossible to understand.
Starter pack
You’ll need this if you’re getting into deep frying memes.
Who says?
We can deep fry as many memes as we’d like.