Test your eyesight: See if you can read these deep-fried memes
Deep-frying memes is a tradition dating years back. We’ve scoured the internet to find the most wretched, painful to look at, deep-fried memes available. Be sure to let us know down below which meme is your fave.
That’s why you’re crying.
Honestly, it just sounds like an excuse.
Does anyone actually know?
A meal made out of oats? What oats? What are oats? We need answers.
That’s what we all want
The dirt is just so comfortable. We promise that’s the only reason why.
About time. Water 1 is getting boring
What do y’all think it will taste like?
It’s just too easy sometimes
After watching it every day for twenty years, it gets pretty predictable.
That’s way too soon
Imagine holding hands. That’s nasty.
It gets the boys every time
She presses the button and the boys come to her. It’s a perfect way to flirt.
Haha, insomnia!
Jokes on you, we don’t sleep, ever. Haha, we’re dying 😎
Please? Can we?
It’s not too late to switch over. A president who promises the metric system is a president we can all get behind.
They think they’re the coolest kids in the world
Did you know in China you flip people off with your pinky? It’s true. A third-grade boy told us.