2 Most Popular Tourist Activities in Dubai
When you travel to someplace, you often search for a popular place. But why do you ask about popular tourist activities? Because you are curious about those things. The same happens in the case of Dubai. Whenever new people are traveling to Dubai, they often ask about Dubai’s popular activities. There are many famous tourist activities in Dubai, but few are the most popular tourist activities in Dubai. Let’s see what those popular tourist activities in Dubai are and how you can enjoy them. Let’s start without further ado.
Popular Activities in Dubai:
There are the following activities that are popular in Dubai. Let’s get started without delaying it.
Full City View:
If you want to see the whole city from the top, you should perform this activity. But how? Don’t worry, you can see the beautiful city view from the top of Burj Khalifa. Moreover, Burj Khalifa is a giant tower in the world. You have to stand on the 124th floor of Burj Khalifa, and then you will see a fantastic view from the top. Besides this, the skyscraper and tower represent an outstanding view of the city at night. You can say that Burj Khalifa has no competitors.
Do you want to enjoy the desert ride? Then you have to visit Desert Safari.
Dubai Safari:
When you experience the Dubai desert safari you will know the tradition of Arabs. Moreover, you can enjoy the camel ride, horse ride, or you can enjoy a desert safari on the jeep as well. After
getting a round trip in half an hour, you can enjoy the food after a ride. Furthermore, you can select any of these safari. There are types of safari: evening safari, night safari, and dinner.
Are you going for a romantic dinner? Then you should visit the Dhow Cruise Marina.
Dhow Cruise:
If you want to surprise your children or arrange a romantic dinner for your wife, you should go to the Dhow cruise marina. It provides a romantic view of the city from the boat. You will enjoy the dinner, and then after dinner, there will be a traditional dance by the girl. On this trip, the dhow has two wooden decks. One is at the bottom, and the other is on top. The lower deck is fully air-conditioned, but the top one provides fresh air with an outside view.
In short, the Dhow cruise marina will be the best option for your surprise.
In the end, we have discussed the most popular tourist activities in Dubai. Moreover, you can enjoy many other things as well. There are many activities, from a desert to snow skating. So, what are you looking for? You can visit with family or alone as well. It’s up to you which you will choose for your visit to Dubai. Above all, Dubai is the best place to visit.