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Dive into how Dolly's Dollywood might rock the boat of her crispy $600M net worth. But remember, this country queen knows her sequins from her cents; Dolly Parton

Universal is ready to resume construction on their upcoming gamechanger of a theme park. Get a sneak peek of what Epic Universe will look like here.

The pandemic has made us miss a lot of things, including theme parks. The new announcement of Super Nintendo World has a dying to get on a plane.

Here’s why Action Park was referred to as Class Action Park by the people who lived near it and is the world's most dangerous amusement park.

If you don't feel safe going to a theme park this summer, but still want the excitement of the rides, try watching one of these theme park ride

There are things to consider so that you don’t end up another statistic of roller coaster accidents. Here's what we know about reopening theme parks.

Florida is kind of the theme park capital of the United States. Here are all the Orlando theme parks that may be reopening.

To celebrate the work of Studio Ghibli co-founder and director Hayao Miyazaki, Japan’s Aichi Prefecture is set to open a Studio Ghibli theme park.