HomePosts Tagged "#SaveShadowhunters"

#SaveShadowhunters Tag


Want to know more about young adult show 'Shadowhunters'? What you need is a guide – and we’re here to provide you with one.

Do you miss Magnus Bane from 'Shadowhunters'? We're remembering the legacy of Harry Shum as a trailblazer who represents an iconic Asian & LGBTQ character.

Whether the rumors about BBC Three airing a new Shadowverse show is true or not, we're not happy. We still need to save 'Shadowhunters' first.

We’ve been talking a lot about why 'Shadowhunters' deserves to continue. Want to #SaveShadowhunters? Let’s make it happen, Shadowfam – here’s how.

Freeform took to Twitter this weekend to announce it has no interest in satisfying the desires of the dedicated 'Shadowhunters' fandom.

Let’s join together to take measures to continue the stories we need. Convince Netflix to make a 'Shadowhunters' season 4 and beyond.

Committed fans are feeling nonplussed after 'Shadowhunters' was cancelled by Freeform in June. Their rage is palpable and justified.

Freeform isn’t a villain, but it certainly has the potential to be a good guy and do the right thing in saving 'Shadowhunters'.

Just before long-awaited season 3B cast its first nets on the Shadowfam, we asked some dedicated 'Shadowhunters' fans about their experiences with the show.