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New cast members for 'Knives Out 2' have been announced, but how many stars does a murder mystery movie need? Investigate the new cast additions.

This years Oscar nominations were the most diverse & inclusive it has ever been, and that's something worth celebrating. Check out all the "firsts" here.

The new film by Sia and Maddie Ziegler is anything but "Music" to our ears. Why fans are petitioning for the film to be removed from award consideration.

Sia and Maddie Ziegler are in hot water for their controversial film 'Music'. Here's everything the Autistic community had to say about the film.

Sia and Maddie Ziegler managed to pop out the film 'Music' in 2020. Why is the ablest musical nominated for a Golden Globe?

Does Regina King have her sights set on a Best Director Oscar? Read about all the deets on her powerful new film 'One Night in Miami' here.

Has COVID-19 made you miss movie theaters? Don't despair, here's a list of the best movies of 2020 coming to a streamer near you!

“We’ll tell the story of tonight” – or the story of 'Hamilton' the musical. Here's everything we want to see in Disney's 'Hamilton' movie.

Sci-fi hinges on the concept of infinite possible universes and realities, but people of color are still marginalized within it. Enter Afrofuturism.