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Professional athletes usually have wealthy pockets, but drama can mess everything up. What's former NBA star Dwayne Wade's current net worth?

Ariana Grande is officially joining the new season of 'Fortnite', and the world is absolutely stoked. Find out when you can see her perform here.

For the Olympics 2021, the USA Men's Basketball team has yet to be anything other than unimpressive. Can stars Kevin Durant and Dame Lillard get the gold?

'Space Jam: A New Legacy' has been hit with mixed reviews. Was it the original cast of 'Space Jam' that made the film special? The OG director thinks

John Cena is the latest WWE Superstar to make the jump from the squared circle to the silver screen. Keep up with him by checking out his movies.

'Space Jam: A New Legacy' has just released a new trailer. How excited are we about this LeBron James-led movie? Simply out of this world!

'Space Jam: A New Legacy' is one of the most anticipated films of summer. Could the cast actually be cursed? Let's dive in.

The L.A. Lakers didn't make it past the first round of the playoffs. Study LeBron James playoff stats to see if this is the end of the GOAT.

Who's ready for some exciting movies coming out in Summer 2021? We know we are! Here are our top picks that'll bring audiences back to the theatres.