HomePosts Tagged "Katherine McNamara"

Katherine McNamara Tag


Do you want to meet your favorite 'Shadowhunters' cast members? Here’s what Katherine McNamara had to say about Heroes of the Shadow World.

It’s been three years. Three whole years without our beloved series 'Shadowhunters'. Will the cast for this show ever return?

Rumor has it some cast members got too deep in the story they even got a real runes tattoo but is it true? Find out if you know

Here's another 'Shadowhunters' quiz, centered around Clary (Katherine McNamara) and Jace (Dominic Sherwood) – or as we know them, “Clace”.

We can't get enough of Clary & Jace (Dominic Sherwood) from 'Shadowhunters'. Test your Clace knowledge with our 2nd quiz dedicated to this amazing 'ship.

Over the course of 'Shadowhunters', Clary Fray goes from being a mundane to kickass Shadowhunter. Take our Clary quiz and see how much you really know.

Let's take a look at the best Arrowverse quotes that truly define 'Arrow' and its characters and maybe inspire the hero in all of us.

Shadowfam, do you want a season 4? Here are all the reasons why we are still fighting to save 'Shadowhunters'.

Even after the abrupt cancellation, 'Shadowhunters' and its fandom is still very much alive. Where are the cast now?