HomePosts Tagged "Delta variant"

Delta variant Tag


Since the Pfizer vaccine got an FDA certificate, some doubted its efficacy. Here's all you need to know about this vaccine and how it works for kids.

The latest COVID-19 variant is here, folks! Just what is the Omicron variant and what do we need to know? Let's delve in.

Shock! Horror! Who will win in the Fall vs the Delta variant showdown? Go through these hilarious memes to see who people think the winner is.

The birthday bash for Barack Obama looks like it was one of the wildest of the summer. Did this opulent birthday bash run afoul of the CDC's guidelines?

News about the mutating COVID-19 variants has been spreading like wildfire. Unearth the latest details and see if lockdown is back on the horizon.

Is the hit Shondaland show 'Bridgerton' completely doomed? Find out why the series has paused filming, and if fans will ever see the series again.

Will it be safe to head to the UK this summer? See why you should push off any travel plans to the United Kingdom until 2022.