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Buckle in and grab some popcorn. Here are some of the best disaster films you should be watching now.

Of all the things governments are seeking guidance from, we never thought the 'Contagion' film would be one of them. Here's how it's helping the UK.

We've basically lived through 'Contagion', but what happens next? Find out what Steven Soderbergh has to say about his sequel to the film.

Just becasue you're inside doesn't mean you can't make money. These celebrities are increasing their net worth from the comfort of their couch.

'Contagion' the movie, portrays just how quickly a deadly virus can spread, causing civil unrest in the streets. Here's why it's giving us hope.

It's no surprise a film like 'Contagion' is coming back into light. Steven Soderbergh and Scott Z. Burns may have truly predicted the future in 2011.

Let’s face it: disaster is on all of our minds lately. The disaster movies on this list range from big-budget thrillers to psychological jigsaws.

So, the world is ending and you’ve already watched 'Contagion'. This batch of post-apocalyptic flicks is the next best thing. Here's why.

So to help get your mind off of the coronavirus, here’s some sick day watching material. Let’s hope the illnesses in these films never become a thing.