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Christian Bale Tag


'Thor: Love and Thunder' has officially cast 'Gladiator' star Russell Crowe in an undisclosed role. Just what is director Taika Waititi up to?

Movie magic is all fine and good, but sometimes it's even more fun to take a look behind the scenes. Join us on this peek behind the Hollywood

Overwhelmed by all the choices of movies on Hulu and don't know what to watch next? Here are some great picks to help you decide.

George Clooney admits he was a terrible Batman. Will the actor redeem himself with a cameo in the upcoming ‘Flash’ movie?

The story broke yesterday that Michael Keaton would return to the silver screen to play Batman. Here's everything you need to know.

In honor of those bizarre writing choices, we've compiled a list of the worst lines ever committed to movies. Here's the worst movie lines.

If you’re a fan of the 1994/2019 version, then buckle in because we have stuff on both sides as well. Here are some excellent 'Little Women' memes.

Based on an era of bright colors and bad attitudes, here are the top ten modern TV shows and movies set in the Decade of Decadence: the 80s.

Here are six adaptations of Bret Easton Ellis’s work ranked from worst to best to remind us what happens when a story is done badly or tremendously.