If every 'Twin Peaks' fan is being honest, we all expected the Emmy nominations to completely screw over what we all know to be one of the greatest
The axe of cancellation has been swung at Hulu, and its victim is 'Castle Rock'. Was it down to the cast? Here's what we know.
Want to spook up your October with some horror TV shows? Here are the best ones available to stream right now.
The reaction to the J.J. Abrams-produced series 'Castle Rock' has been electric since we stepped into Stephen King’s complex and eerie multiverse.
Lizzy Caplan is coming to the second season of 'Castle Rock' to portray Stephen King’s greatest villain: Annie Wilkes from 'Misery'.
Now that Stephen King's 'It Chapter Two' has come and gone with a whimper, we're jonesing for some better horror.
HBO’s 'Watchmen' series from Damon Lindelof is coming. We share everything we know about HBO’s 'Watchmen' so far.
We’re offering you the chance to win a one-year Hulu giveaway for twelve glorious months of bingeable, addictive streaming.
Hulu’s got some exciting TV projects in the pipeline as it preps for the almighty Disney / Fox takeover. Some shows will be dropping as soon as September,