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'Everything Sucks!' became the show of the moment for LGBTQI teens and young adults everywhere, doing that little bit extra to dissolve stigma.

Are you still a devout fan of 'Dark Matter'? Here's what fans of the sci fi series are saying about the preemptive TV cancellation.

'Dark Matter' was a cult hit from the first episode. Here are the loose ends that the sci fi show was unable to resolve.

'Dark Matter' had lots of potential before it was cancelled. What did the cast members have in mind for future storylines?

David Nephilim is a talented 'Shadowhunters' fan. He discusses his process and his decision to make fan art for the beloved show.

We've had to say goodbye to too many great shows. Here are some of the cancelled shows on TV that ended this year.

To celebrate the prematurely axed sci-fi extravaganza, here are some of the craziest 'Timeless' theories we’ve managed to dig up for you #Clockblockers.

Just before long-awaited season 3B cast its first nets on the Shadowfam, we asked some dedicated 'Shadowhunters' fans about their experiences with the show.

'Hannibal' came into our hearts and rocked our world. Fannibals: we’ve got to get this show on the air for Hugh Dancy & Mads Mikkelsen in a season