HomePosts Tagged "Alejandro Jodorowsky"

Alejandro Jodorowsky Tag


If you've been excited to watch the new 'Dune' adaptation, we recommend you start with 'Jodorowski's Dune' to prepare yourself. Find out what that is here.

Are you an aspiring cinephile? Check out ‘The One I Love’ and other experimental films that are (in)famous.

Back in 2013, instead of turning big-name production companies, Alejandro Jodorowsky funded 'Endless Poetry' using Kickstarter. The master was back!

There are some films the world simply isn’t supposed to understand. Here’s our ranking of the eleven strangest movies that definitely blow minds.

The acting profession is not limited to the entirely able-bodied. Here is Film Daily’s rundown on the history of disabled actors.