‘Drag Race UK’: Who *really* wore it best? Our thoughts on ep. 3
The design challenge is always a mess no matter what version of Drag Race you watch. But Drag Race UK upped the ante, having best drag friends compete against each other. That’s cold Ru. Cold.
Episode 3 of Drag Race UK saw the ten remaining queens compete in the dreaded design challenge. Teaming up with their favorite queen, the five pairs were then kindly informed this week was a “Who wore it better?” challenge. If that wasn’t bad enough, if your partner looked better than you, you were automatically in the bottom and up for elimination.
Naturally, the design challenge brought out high-strung emotions in all the queens. But did the judges really make the right decision? We’re here to read the outfits and see who should’ve been sashaying away.
Lawrence Chaney & Ellie Diamond
The clear winners this week, Ellie & Lawrence are very clearly design queens. This wasn’t their first time around a sewing machine. Like the judges said, Ellie easily was just as good as Lawrence, but it came down to the minor details that kept her from taking over her partner.
We think: As much as we love Lawrence and think she shines like a star, Ellie just had a few more touches to take it above & beyond. Plus, the queen is only twenty-one, and she looked like that! Talk about eating up a challenge. Sorry Lawrence, but that badge needs to be shining on Ellie’s fake tits instead of yours.
Tayce & A’Whora
Lawrence ain’t lying: you can feel the sexual tension between the two of them. But like Veronica said, that tension may have been A’Whora’s downfall because she was so focused on helping Tacye nail her look, she didn’t put as much time into her own. That being said, both of these girls look fabulous.
We think: Michelle wasn’t wrong. Tacye reusing a major piece we just saw in the premiere is a huge misstep on her part. That being said, the rest of her outfit is straight fire. It just wasn’t as put together as A’Whora’s look was. We know A’Whora is an actual fashion designer, but Tacye still looked pretty good next to her.
Tia Kofi & Veronica Green
We’re sorry, but Tia did not lose the title of Baroness Basic this week. Again, design may not be her forte, but her risk did not pay off. She looked like someone’s Barbie doll they dressed up in scrap fabric. That’s 100% unfair to Tia, who literally looks like she could be a model in Milan Fashion Week.
We think: If any decision was the most obvious, it was having Veronica beat Tia. Veronica is out here serving Poison Ivy from Batman & Robin, while Tia is out here serving high school sewing class.
Ginny Lemon & Sister Sister
Who else was in tears when Ginny Lemon was talking about her gender identity? The moment of solidarity Bimini & Ginny have left us happy & whole and might be our fav moment of Drag Race UK season 2 so far. Then Ginny walks out here looking like a bombshell instead of hiding in a potato sack? The growth we saw from Ginny took her from the bottom to a true frontrunner.
We think: That being said, Ginny still has a long way to go as a design queen. Both of their lewks seemed a bit randomly thrown together, but at least Sister Sister had more going on. Ginny just looks like she sewed a zipper on a sheet of fabric and called it done.
Bimini Bon-Boulash & Asttina Mandella
Asttina Mandella kept talking up this “anime girl realness” all episode, and yet she came out in a short dress looking like she was about to get a gold medal in ice dancing at the Olympics. The lewk is cute and clearly she put effort into it, but really she should be getting the title of Baroness Basic.
We think: Bimini still can’t compete with Julia Roberts’s transformation in Pretty Woman, but she definitely looks like an elegant stripper. The use of the funky lace as both a cape & glove really added to the beauty of the fabric she chose for the dress.
Drag Race UK airs every Thursday on BBC Three in the UK and WOWPresents Plus in the U.S. and other select territories.