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Infamous serial killer and cult leader Charles Manson fathered a surprising amount of children for someone so vile. See where his children are today.

Charles Manson: How many children did the infamous cult leader have?

Charles Manson is known for leading the Manson family cult and killing nine victims by proxy, shocking the world. Most horrific was the murder of Sharon Tate at her Hollywood home. 

However, it’s not as widely known that this infamously psychotic cult leader has had more girlfriends than you’d imagine. Due to his charismatic persona & infamy, Manson had shockingly acquired numerous partners.

With the amount of young women (many underage) who were lured into the Manson Family, it’s difficult to know the actual number of children he may have had. It’s understandable that those who are related would not expose that information. However, official reports detail at least three biological offspring.

Charles Manson Jr.

Charles Manson Jr. was born in 1956 and the first of Manson’s children. Charles Manson had married fifteen-year-old Rosalie Jean Willis in 1955. However, Manson was incarcerated for driving a stolen car while Willis was pregnant. In 1958, Willis filed for divorce and remarried. Subsequently, Manson Jr. would go on to change his name. 

Manson Jr. had changed his name to Jay White and wanted nothing to do with his deranged father and his horrific legacy. Unfortunately, White died by suicide in 1993. According to his son, White was unable to live as the child of Charles Manson.

Charles Luther Manson 

Not much is known about Manson’s second child. It’s clear Charles Luther Manson has changed his name and chosen to remove himself entirely from his father’s lineage. However, the relationship between his mother, Leona Rae “Candy” Stevens, and Manson has been covered in detail.

Between his numerous prison sentences, the couple married in 1959. In 1960, Manson was charged for sex trafficking after pimping out Stevens and another woman in New Mexico. In 1968, Stevens was granted a divorce while Manson was imprisoned. 

No one knows what Charles Luther Manson is doing now or what his new name is. Yet, we’re happy he’s able to remain anonymous and hopefully lead a normal life. 

Valentine Michael Manson

Valentine Michael Manson was the first child born within the Manson Family cult. His mother, Mary Brunner, was one of the first members of Charles Manson’s “family”. Brunner met Manson in 1967 and would go on to help Manson manipulate more young women into joining the group. 

Soon after, Valentine Michael Manson was born in 1968. However, he was only eighteen months old when he was put under his grandparents’ care. His name was changed to Michael Brunner and he was raised in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. 

In a 1993 interview, Brunner revealed he has never contacted his biological father. Despite receiving numerous letters from Manson, Brunner never even opened them. He also cites that his mother was never an actual mother to him. She was always referred to as his “sister”.


Brunner claimed his grandparents raised him with love, so they were able to save him from what seemed to be a terrible fate. Unsurprisingly, he considers his grandparents as his actual parents. Brunner is now a father with his own family. He has successfully separated himself from his parents’ terrible history due to his healthy upbringing. 

Manson died on November 19th, 2017 from cardiac arrest after suffering from respiratory failure and colon cancer. The world breathed a sigh of relief at the news of the cult leader’s death.

It’s inconclusive as to how many children Charles Manson actually had considering the number of girls he attacked & brainwashed during his lifetime. However, you can’t blame someone for wanting to remain anonymous. No good can come from being tied to one of the most prolific serial killers in American history. 

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  • Didn’t May Musk have a child to Charles Manson, becoming pregnant during one of many conjugal visits?

    September 9, 2021

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