‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’: Can cast member Paul Rudd revive the dying franchise?
Ah Paul Rudd. The ageless immortal that decided “hey you know what would be fun? Let’s be a movie star” because immortality probably makes you bored.
While Rudd brought his signature humor to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he’s also hoped onto the Ghostbusters franchise because, well, Rudd ain’t afraid of no ghosts. Due to COVID, Ghostbusters: Afterlife was delayed from its original 2020 release date.
Of course, Ghostbusters: Afterlife has a stellar cast along with a beloved (if slightly dead) franchise to back them up. Whether or not this revival of Ghostbusters will be welcomed…well that remains to be seen. (Watch the movie before declaring the worst thing ever, you know?) Could the revival of Ghostbusters bring new life to the franchise? Could the cast help it?
Sweet. Mischievous. Savage. 🔥 Mini-Pufts are out of the bag, don’t miss #Ghostbusters: Afterlife only in theaters this fall. pic.twitter.com/WtIMu4felL
— Ghostbusters (@Ghostbusters) April 7, 2021
A new clip was released for Ghostbusters: Afterlife showing cast member Paul Rudd shopping at, like, a Wal-Mart(?) where he runs into mini demonic Stay-Puft marshmallow men. A nice callback to the first movie, and then things get a bit weird.
Let’s look at what the Ghostbuster fans have to say about it.
live look at me watching that clip from the new ghostbusters pic.twitter.com/XThgiYUrMm
— Wampler!™ (@ScottWamplerBMD) April 7, 2021
That took a turn
Apparently they really want to be made into s’mores. But wow is it disturbing af.
The legend returns #GhostbustersAfterlife pic.twitter.com/Lc547srHDJ
— Jeremy Los (@JeremyALos) April 7, 2021
Don’t treat everything like the Pillsbury Doughboy.
Photos take a second before disaster.
I appreciate that, in the @Ghostbusters universe, Stay Puft Marshmallows bounced back from the 1984 PR disaster that was their mascot coming to life and destroying New York.
Still on your grocer’s shelf in 2021! https://t.co/nt6Qfz6jWu
— Greg Miller (@GameOverGreggy) April 7, 2021
They’re still in business?
Seriously, whoever fixed the Stay-Puft image following the giant evil one rampaging in NYC? They deserve some kind of PR award. Or the biggest raise ever.
This reeks of some studio exec demanding a Minion or Baby Yoda element for this new #GhostbustersAfterlife movie. But, damn, I ain’t made of stone. This is adorable. pic.twitter.com/17gxPWxLY4
— The Carter (@TheCarter_GLA) April 7, 2021
Notes on Ghostbusters: Afterlife
We thought that out of all the Ghostbusters casts that Slimer was the Minion/Baby Yoda element.
That Puft video for #GhostbustersAfterlife has us like.. pic.twitter.com/kH0hT7OgOu
— Bo Bearden (@mbthegr81) April 7, 2021
They hunger for blood
We love their little psychotic souls.
Ant-Man (2015) // Ghostbusters Afterlife (2021) pic.twitter.com/X611DTgu3e
— bella 🔪 (@ArtrMrgn) April 7, 2021
*squints suspiciously*
Here’s your new Baby Yoda. #StayPuft #MiniPuft #Ghostbusters pic.twitter.com/rifBlghXxQ
— Ryan ‘All Day News’ Anderson (@Ryans_Ramblings) April 7, 2021
Seriously though. How do we get one? Is it like Gremlins? We don’t feed them after midnight?
Film execs on ghostbusters afterlife after seeing the success of baby yoda, trying to convince Jason Reitman about marketing baby stay puft pic.twitter.com/hMPqs07jXx
— 🦆 (@echo1spengler) April 7, 2021
Hail the power of Grogu
Baby Yoda’s power knows no bounds. Grogu sounds like a name from the Ghostbusters franchise.
These guys know how to party: pic.twitter.com/nEscYAmiQl
— Michigan Ghostbusters (@MI_Ghostbusters) April 7, 2021
We know what we said.
Nothing says party like making s’mores out of you and your friends.