What is Jenna Jameson saying about trafficking in the porn industry?
Jenna Jameson is no stranger to sex trafficking. Jameson has been open on her Twitter account about how her boyfriend and his father groomed Jameson to be trafficked to strip clubs and porn. Jameson has also been outspoken about abuses that are prevalent in the porn industry and has started to draw attention to the issue by using the #Traffickhub hashtag.
Jenna Jameson doesn’t like PornHub
Since her departure from the porn industry in 2008, Jenna Jameson has been increasingly vocal about her opinions on the porn industry. Jameson has accused Pornhub of hosting exploitative videos, including the video of a missing 14-year-old girl, and taking a hefty cut from the sales. For Jameson, the problem doesn’t stop at porn however and she’s increasingly become critical of Hollywood as well.
Jenna Jameson is calling out Hollywood
Jenna Jameson wrote in a Tweet that “The reason why Hollywood has been so incredibly silent on child sex trafficking does not only do they partake, they are covering for the big league hitters. The ones that hide in the shadows under the covers of a crown.” This could be an insinuation towards Prince Andrew’s connection to Epstein, and in another Tweet, she directly voices her opinion on Epstein.
Jenna Jameson Tweets, “If you think Epstein is somehow unique, you’re sadly mistaken . . . there are MANY Epstein’s that make him look like an amateur. Child hunting games, sacrifice, torture of children as young as 2. The elite.” The claims are terrifying and upsetting, but Jameson doesn’t elaborate on her Tweet. After Epstein’s pedophile island came to light, Jameson’s claims don’t seem too outlandish but lack evidence.
Conspiracies have become Jenna Jemerson’s jam
Jenna Jameson has also claimed that The Hunt, a satire about wealthy liberal who abducts and hunts right-wing “deplorables” for sport, was inspired by reality. Jameson claims that she overheard a hunt for children being discussed at the Hotel du Cap in Cannes. Again we have no evidence that this is true, but we know that human trafficking exists and is generally perpetrated by complicated networks of individuals.
There’s no doubt that human trafficking exists in the porn industry at some level and whether the larger companies directly take part in the activity or support it indirectly is opaque. Although Jenna Jameson has become vocal about the problems with the porn industry, she might just be adding fuel to the conspiracy fire.
Conspiracies without meaningful evidence only add confusion
Deepfakes already show us how hard it is to tell reality from technology and hurling accusations on Twitter doesn’t make the situation any clearer. Since Jenna Jameson has experience in the porn industry, she should be providing more concrete details and information regarding the exploitation that takes place. It would be nice to see Jameson champion an organization that uncovered these abuses, instead of simply Tweeting.
Was the QAnon theory outlined in Space Relations?
Because it’s so easy to hurl an accusation online, people have increasingly become wrapped up in conspiracy theories and Jenna Jameson is no different. Jameson openly believes the QAnon conspiracy theories, that claim the world is run by a demonic cabal of pedophilic sex-traffickers that stretches the globe. This isn’t to discredit Jameson’s points on sex trafficking, but to show how flippant associations can be dangerous.
The QAnon theories surprisingly sound like the plot of a book that Epstein’s first employer wrote called Space Relations, could there also be a link there? What’s to say that Jenna Jameson isn’t using her accusations to divert attention from the real demonic cabal that’s actually pulling the strings? The trouble with these loose connections is that they’re all plausibly deniable and become useless without evidence.
Step back from the noise and think critically
When there’s a concrete issue, like Epstein’s trial, people can take action and adjust their beliefs accordingly. Jenna Jameson’s #Traffikinghub has initiated a petition to shut down Pornhub, see trackinghubpetition.com. The problem with Jameson’s broad accusations is that they send people off on wild goose chases with no tangible benefit and wastes a valuable resource: human critical thinking and intellect.
It’s hard to say how we’re supposed to move forward in this increasingly bizarre future we find ourselves, but our intellect and critical thinking has served us well countless times in the past. As deepfakes confuse our senses and conspiracy theories fill our minds, it’s important to step back from the noise and critically analyze what is in front of you before taking action, because the other thing we don’t have more of is time.