Did Mariska Hargitay get nude with her ‘Law and Order’ costar?
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit is the longest-running Dick Wolf show out there. And there’s a very dedicated fanbase with Law and Order: SVU. Longest running actor in the franchise, Mariska Hargitay, has her own dedicated fans as well. All of them are also definitely shipping Olivia Benson (Hargitay) and Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) since way, way back in the day.
Sure, Stabler was married with children. With his return to the Law and Order franchise and his wife killed off, people are hoping that Benson & Stabler may, uh, get a bit nude and have some fun. You get what we’re saying here, right? Right. Hargitay and Meloni are flippin’ teases about the Benson-Stabler relationship as well. They know what the fans are thirsty for.
A couple of days ago, Meloni decided to send the entire fandom into screaming fits over a very steamy photo of himself and Hargitay in an almost kiss. You know, the sort of steamy kiss that’s a prelude to fun nude times. You get what we’re saying here, right? Of course you do. Y’all are just as thirsty as we are. So will we see Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni hook up on Law and Order? Let’s consider.
#rehearsing what @Mariska ? https://t.co/wMzRgtKN0x pic.twitter.com/u9G0VhFMgZ
— Chris Meloni (@Chris_Meloni) August 21, 2021
How possible is it?
Listen, if you know anything about the early days of Law and Order: SVU, then know this: everyone wanted Benson & Stabler to hook-up. It’s been such an enduring relationship that over a decade after Meloni left SVU, people still want this couple to get together. They want those two crazy kids to work things out and ride off into the sunset with their own happy ending, you know?
With Meloni on Law and Order: Organized Crime, fans did see the two interacting somewhat. Well as close to interaction as casual crossovers due to COVID filming restrictions, but we did see Meloni and Hargitay appear on each other’s shows with more frequency than what we thought that we would see. Each time since Organized Crime premiered? Fireworks.
There’s also, well, Stabler’s wife getting killed in the first episode. That just opens the door right up to seeing Benson and Stabler become a couple. Yeah, Stabler grieved for his wife, but things were looking super flirty between the pair in the season finales for their receptive series, you dig? It was very flirty and very hot. Fans lost their minds over on Twitter. So yes, we’ll say it’s possible.
What does the photo mean?
Listen, any actor worth their salt knows how to shiptease their fanbase. It’s practically Actor 101 these days. So it’s not that huge of a surprise that Meloni teased fans with the image of he and Mariska Hargitay doing what’s prelude to fun, nude times, you know? It’s just the way that the cookie crumbles sometimes. But what does it mean? Could the pair get together in the upcoming season of their series?
Listen, based on the past evidence (and the past season for both series), we’re having a vibe from that photo that there’s a chance of Benson-Stabler romance coming up in the series. If not that, then an extremely hot one-night-stand. It’s going to be something. It’s gonna be good. Fans can practically taste it coming, you know? After decades of patiently waiting, they deserve it.
So we’ll have to keep an eye on what’s to come in Law and Order: SVU and Law and Order: Organized Crime in the coming season. We think that they’re going to give fans that romance that they’ve been dying to see.
What do you think about the photo between Mariska Hargitay & Christopher Meloni? Let us know in the comments below!