Florida Man is an anti-masker? All the headlines proving Florida is crazy
We’ve all learned that Florida is full of crazy people. There’s a reason Florida Man headlines are a long-standing meme. As 2020 has driven further and further into insanity, so has the level of crazy we’re seeing from Florida Man as well.
Anti-maskers in Florida invade a Target pic.twitter.com/Z8TWbl8ihD
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) September 16, 2020
Plus, we’ve seen a lot more dumb actions from general Floridians as well. For example, Twitter user @davenewworld_2 shared a group of anti-mask protestors marching through a Target in Florida. So we’re here to show how Florida isn’t exactly handing the pandemic the right way.
The miracle cure for coronavirus
A Florida man and his son were giving people a chance to buy a “miracle cure” for coronavirus. Except the “cure” was no medicine, but the deadly bleach mix sodium dioxide. Allegedly, the coronavirus “cure” killed at least seven Americans.
Catching the virus proves it’s real
There’s a lot of people saying COVID-19 is a fake disease because they haven’t seen anyone they know with it. Florida man Brian Lee Hitchens was one of them, until he and his wife came down with the disease as the headlines read. Hitchens is now using his story to remind others to take the pandemic seriously.
Attacking a Lyft driver over the virus
We’re trying to stay safe, so even ride sharing companies like Lyft are putting measures in place to do so. But Florida man Travis Smith wasn’t in the mood for the plastic barrier separating him from his driver. So he did the only sensible thing: tear down the barrier and attack the driver in front of another passenger and his seven-year-old son. Rightfully so, Smith is being charged with child abuse among other charges.
Domestic abuse caused by. . . . COVID-19?
Apparently, the feverish delusions caused by COVID-19 can inspire you to act violently towards your partner. Luis Suriel beat his wife with a belt to try and get a demon out of her, after having visions from God. Even when he was arrested, police took Suriel for a mental health evaluation as they could tell he was out of his mind. Whether or not his hallucinations were caused by COVID-19 is a different story.
COVID-19: The newest biological weapon
Whether the charge waged against Jamal Curry is too harsh or not, the Florida Man was arrested for coughing on police officers in Tampa, saying he had COVID-19. Curry was tested for COVID-19 and came back negative, but was still charged by police for “perpetrating a biological weapon hoax.”
Not dead yet
While Florida has had numerous deaths related to coronavirus, Gene Della Sala is not one of them no matter what the Florida Department of Health says. Though he did in fact test positive for coronavirus (and was America’s first case of COVID-19), Della Sala was about ninety percent recovered by the time the DOH reported he was dead. We can imagine the phone calls Della Sala received were very interesting.
Brad Fagan
This is now reality, sad to say. Stupidity and selfishness now reign supreme. You think that attitudes would change with the presentation of facts or that their god Sir Bone Spurs, got covid after preaching that masks don’t work. I had a good laugh with it, though. Faith in the human race is at an all time low for me. I’m not religious in any way, but LeVay nailed it with: “Stupidity should be painful”.
October 17, 2020