In the year of our Lord 2022, what is Blippi’s net worth?
Several people have become millionaires with a sex-tape, but what about content creators for children? The truth is, the children’s entertainment industry is a goldmine constantly forgotten. Each country has iconic figures that hosted familiar TV shows for children, usually on Sundays that rest in the hearts of whole nations. But don’t get fooled, abusers like Jimmy Savile form part of that list.
As time goes by formats change and so does content. Children no longer have to wait for their favorite TV show to pop at a certain hour, they’re growing up with iPads, Netflix, and YouTube. In case you don’t know, Blippi is an American children’s educator and entertainer that started on YouTube and now has content on platforms Amazon Video. Definitely another life changed by the internet.
Blippi’s videos have an educational intention for young children. Although he’s clearly an adult, John’s Blippi character is portrayed as a child, through an energetic & curious character. He’s always wearing his blue & orange beanie cap, blue shirt, orange suspenders, and a bow tie, but is he dressed in dollars too? Here’s all you need to know about children entertainer Blippi, including his net worth.
Blippi’s career
His very first video was published on January 27th, 2014, and as for every small emerging production, he first did all the filming, graphic design, and editing himself. Yet, it was all worth it because the videos would eventually top a billion views on YouTube and gain a larger audience. As this happened, the video staff expanded, giving each time more production & quality to Blippi’s content.
After a while, Blippi’s team began producing videos in Spanish too, followed by a line of toys, DVDs, and the possibility of digital downloads from the Blippi website. It’s impressive how radically life can change by gaining fame on digital platforms. It’s sad that everything reduces to numbers but it’s also encouraging to know that any project can get success with the right formula.
Currently, Blippi became so popular that he even released his own merchandise, which includes several toys, books, and clothing. Several of Blippi’s phrases are now well known among its followers and became the label of several products, like: “My Buddy Blippi”’. In fact, between his merchandising, there’s a plush toy that recites some of Blippi’s well-known phrases.
Blippi’s facts & net worth
Blippi’s real name is Stevin John and by becoming Blippi, he used to be a U.S. Air Force serviceman. Independently from youtube, you can access Blippi’s videos through streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video. Since his content was bought by Moonbug Entertainment, his videos have been dubbed in many languages, like Spanish, French, German, Italian, and even Hebrew.
Blippi is only thirty-four but according to Wealthy Gorilla, his net worth reaches sixteen million, which is a lot for anyone, but especially for a self-made person. Maybe if we compare this net worth to musicians or famous directors then these numbers might not be as impressive. However, considering he started on his own doing youtube videos in 2014, then this number is something to celebrate.
Regardless if you like children or not, the truth is they’re complex and exigent too, which is why creating content for them can be even harder. It’s important to recognize the effort & responsibility behind content creators for children because after all, that’s where they’re getting their first education.
If you’re interested in reviewing Blippi’s content, know that you might already count on a streaming platform where it’s available. As always, we’ll love to read your opinion on Blippi’s content and net worth.