Unveiling the Avian Drama: Yiwen Cao’s ‘‘Invader and Defender‘‘
In the realm of filmmaking, where creativity knows no bounds, Chinese filmmaker Yiwen Cao emerges as a distinctive voice, offering audiences a unique perspective through her latest work, “Invader and Defender.” This short documentary ventures into uncharted territory, focusing on an unexpected yet enthralling theme—the intense and intricate world of pigeon fights.
The Pigeon Chronicles: Nature as the Screenwriter
When asked about the genesis of her idea, Yiwen Cao’s response is as intriguing as the film itself. The idea, she explains, was not something she consciously conceived but rather an incident that unfolded in her own life. A broken foot led to a peculiar encounter with pigeons, and the subsequent dynamics of their interactions fascinated her. The resulting one-take short documentary captured a pigeon skirmish on her balcony—a scene that unfolded like a complex war, replete with strategies, physical confrontations, and surprising human-like behaviors. As she recounts, “Their behaviors are just like human! This scene surprised me. And I recorded it as a one-take short documentary. Overall, the real screenwriter should be nature.”
From Pigeons to People: Inspiration and Existence
The exploration of the pigeon fight concept in “Invader and Defender” is not merely an avian spectacle; it serves as a mirror reflecting human relationships. Yiwen Cao draws parallels between the pigeons’ struggle for dominance and the dynamics prevalent among humans, societies, and even nations. In her words, “When you only focus on immediate interests, you live just like pigeons. When you change the way of thinking, like standing at the end of life to see what is happening now, you can jump out of your role.”
Crafting a Narrative: Nature as Director , Cao as Cinematographer
Yiwen Cao humbly asserts that for “Invader and Defender,” nature played the role of director and screenwriter, while she served as the cinematographer and editor. However, her other films see her taking on the role of director and screenwriter, emphasizing the importance of meaningful storytelling and the conveyance of healing power to audiences. She expresses gratitude towards her viewers, hoping that they derive something positive from her works to enhance their lives.
The Obligation of Filmmaking: A Decent and Loving Approach
Yiwen Cao’s commitment to filmmaking goes beyond mere artistic expression. She views it as an obligation—a responsibility to prompt deep thinking and inspire positive change. With conviction, she asserts, “A real movie maker must be decent and has great love.” For her, the impact of films extends far beyond the screen, influencing lives and choices. In her view, filmmakers shape narratives that can either promote hedonism or contribute to positive transformation.
In conclusion, Yiwen Cao’s journey as a filmmaker is marked by a profound connection with nature, an exploration of unconventional themes, and a commitment to creating content that resonates with the human experience. “Invader and Defender” stands as a testament to her unique perspective, inviting audiences to witness the avian drama that unfolds beyond the lens—a drama that mirrors the complexities of human existence.