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Top Scams to Be Alert About When Buying A Used Car

Buying a used car can be an exciting and cost-effective option, but it also carries risks. Unfortunately, unsuspecting buyers may fall prey to various scams that can leave them with a lemon or cause significant financial loss. Some common scams people often fall for when purchasing a used car and preventive measures to protect you:

Odometer Fraud

Dishonest sellers may tamper with the vehicle’s mileage reading to make it appear lower. By doing so, they can deceive buyers into believing the car has been driven less and is in better condition than it is. Buyers who fall for this scam may pay a higher price for a worn-out vehicle.

Salvage Title Concealment

Scammers may attempt to hide a vehicle’s salvage title, which indicates it has been significantly damaged and repaired. They provide forged or altered documents or do not disclose the salvage title. Purchasing a car with a salvage title can lead to unforeseen mechanical issues, decreased resale value, and potential safety concerns.

VIN Cloning

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) cloning involves taking the VIN from a legitimate car and placing it on a stolen or salvaged vehicle. Unwitting buyers who fall for this scam may find themselves in legal trouble and lose the vehicle and their money when law enforcement discovers the truth.

Title Washing

Title washing is a scheme in which scammers manipulate a vehicle’s title documents to remove branding information, such as salvage or flood designations. They can erase any negative history associated with the car by transferring its ownership across states with lax regulations. Buyers who fail to conduct thorough research or do not buy from reputed used car dealerships Calgary Ne may purchase a car with hidden damage or severe mechanical issues.

Preventive Measures

There are several preventive measures to follow to stay safe from scams when buying a used car:

Research and inspection: According to Carfax, you should conduct thorough research on the vehicle’s history, including obtaining a vehicle history report and consulting trusted sources. Also, have a professional mechanic inspect the car to identify hidden issues.

Verify the vehicle’s title: Check the vehicle’s title carefully for any signs of tampering or inconsistencies. Cross-reference the VIN on the title with the one displayed on the vehicle.

Beware of unrealistic prices: Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true. Compare prices with similar vehicles in the market to ensure they are within a reasonable range.

Purchase from reputable sources: Buy from reputable dealerships or established sellers with positive reviews and a track record of customer satisfaction. Reputed used car dealers in Canada will provide the Safety Standards Certificate to the buyer, as required by law. The certificate is issued by a government inspection at a qualified motor vehicle inspection station.


While buying a used car can be a great way to save money, it is crucial to be aware of the common scams in the market. Potential buyers can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to fraud by familiarizing themselves with these scams and taking preventive measures. Vigilance, research, and seeking professional assistance are the keys to ensuring a safe and satisfying used car purchase experience.

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