Is the ‘Sex Education’ TV series ending with season 3?
It’s official: the long wait for season three of the Sex Education TV series is finally over, and dang, are fans as excited as ever! On September 17th, the third season of the beloved comedic-teen-drama show finally landed on Netflix, and while we would definitely recommend taking your time to get through the season, we also can’t deny that it must be quite tempting to binge the entirety of all eight brand new episodes.
After all, with each episode running at around fifty minutes, it will really only take you about seven hours to get through the new season. But whether you’re up for watching the show slowly or binging it all at once, we’re sure you are going to have a great time regardless. While the third season of the Sex Education TV series has only been out for a short amount of time, the reviews & overall reception have been great.
The show’s new episodes have been the main topic of conversation this past weekend all over Twitter & social media, so it comes as no surprise that folks are already begging for a fourth season to the Sex Education TV series. But will we be getting a new season of the popular hit comedy drama? And if so, when can we expect season four to hit Netflix? Let’s take a look at all the details we know so far.
okay hear me out: I think OTIS AND RUBY and Aimee AND MAEVE— pic.twitter.com/2aWBlZcECF
— your friendly neighbourhood blàr ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)||| (@bearmitage) September 11, 2021
Starting off on season three
Before we start discussing all things Sex Education, we should give a proper warning that there will indeed be tons of spoilers on the TV series ahead, so scroll with caution! Don’t say we didn’t warn you. If you haven’t yet caught up to all the new episodes and hate your spoilers, then we suggest you come back to this page once you’ve officially finished the entire series. We’ll welcome you back here with open arms.
Now that we’re in a safe space to talk all things Sex Education, let’s talk about where we ended up on season two and where we begin on season three of the TV series. When the new episodes open, students walk into a new year at Moordale as they are faced with all the new rules such as uniforms and a strict sex education policy once a new headteacher named Hope comes into the picture. And of course, we can’t forget about the lovebirds!
Otis starts off the season in a relationship with Ruby, and Eric & Adam have made their love official as well. Also, Otis’s mother Jean has a child on the way! However, the most surprising development for the majority of fans of the Sex Education TV series? Even though people had been rooting for Otis & Maeve to get together for years now, according to Twitter, it looks like folks are now hooked on Otis’s relationship with Ruby!
This should just be a fact by now. #Sexeducation pic.twitter.com/WgSRXjx7vC
— Signe✨ (@westallenslife) September 17, 2021
Season three drama?
Of course, this leaves tons of people completely conflicted on where they stand, especially when Otis & Maeve finally confess their true feelings for one another by the end of the third season. It does not make things any easier considering that Maeve is about to head to America for a study-abroad opportunity. And can we also talk about Adam & Eric breaking up? Oh, gosh, we need season four already.
With all this being said, you’re probably already wondering when we can expect to see a season four of the TV series. Actor Asa Butterfield revealed that “We don’t know [whether there will be more]. It’s out of our hands at this point. I wish I could tell you more; I genuinely don’t know”. However, considering all the love the show is getting, we’re sure we can expect to see a season four or hear about one by next year.
After all, this newest season certainly left us with some more cliffhangers, so we are sure that we can expect to see some more of the show and find out the fate of our favorite characters. Let us know what you thought of season three in the comments, and what you want to see for season four as well.