‘Ratatouille’ the musical? How a TikTok meme is creating art
Disney’s no stranger to turning its most successful properties into musicals. While it tends to use its actual musical movies as musicals, Disney is also working on producing musicals based on The Princess Bride, Father of the Bride and Alice in Wonderland. But TikTok is determined to make their meme dream a reality and bring Ratatouille to Broadway.
Now before you play the “But Ratatouille is Pixar, not Disney” card, keep in mind Disney already owns the rights to the movie. Therefore, they can legally turn the show into a musical through Disney Theatrical Productions. But who would want this? Simple: all of TikTok, apparently.
Ratatouille is no stranger to the meme world, as the concept of a rat controlling a human is perfect meme material. So when the idea of a Ratatouille musical began spreading on TikTok, it just seemed like some dumb meme. However, the musical is all but ready to go thanks to the work of a variety of users on the site.
@e_jaccs A love ballad #remy #rat #ratatoille #disney #wdw #disneyworld #ratlove #ratlife #rats #Alphets #StanleyCup #CanYouWorkIt
Weird audio causes inspiration
Back in August, TikTok user e_jaccs posted an audio of her singing a love ballad to Remy, the protagonist of Ratatouille. While the audio itself turned into a meme, e_jaccs acknowledged her random audio inspired the rest of TikTok to begin composing the musical.
@danieljmertzlufft Remy: The Musical OG Song @e_jaccs add. Vocals @cjaskier #remy #ratatouille #musicaltheatre #broadway #singer #musical #disney #fyp #disneymusicals
User danieljmertzlufft posted an updated version of e_jaccs’ audio on October 19th, featuring a variety of voices, piano, and a big build-up to a grand ending. In the video, Daniel makes it clear this song is the act two finale of Ratatouille: The Musical, and therefore needs the entire cast to perform. Of course, he notes you can’t forget the confetti for the ending either.
Most people involved in the trend claim between e_jaccs’s original audio & danieljmertzlufft’s remake, the two users set off the spark that led to Ratatouille’s transformation from meme to musical masterpiece. Not long after danieljmertzlufft’s post, an account went up called RatatouilleTheTikTokMusical.
Playbill image
Site-wide collaboration
With most TikTok users still in quarantine or lockdown, it didn’t take long before the entire first act of the show was created. User strachansingsss wrote a song covering the beginning of the film with the older woman, while user rjthecomposer wrote a beautiful ballad to take on Gusteau’s motto, “Anyone can cook”.
But it’s not just the music. People are designing costumes, choreography, and even the Playbill cover for the future Ratatouille The Musical, designed by user siswij. What started out as a meme has grown into a show that really should be (and could be, knowing COVID) on Broadway come 2021.
Everyone and their mother has offered something toward the Ratatouille meme. User shoeboxmusicals made a gorgeous set design for a number written by user fettuccinefettuqueen. User alistgirl101 is already fancasting the show, and we agree, Ethan Slater is the perfect Remy.
My…God…@BradBirdA113 have you SEEN this?!?!? https://t.co/Ts7MymEBLb
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) November 15, 2020
Hollywood reacts
Patten Oswald, Remy himself, is a big champion of the entire Ratatouille the Musical meme. Sharing the meme on Twitter with Ratatouille’s director Brad Bird, Oswald continues to share tweets featuring content relating to the fictional musical.
While no big names in the theater world have officially commented on the musical trend, we know someone will want to take a chance on Ratatouille the Musical. Even if it’s just a meme for now, the grandeur of the Ratatouille musical community cannot be understated. For just a meme, that is a lot of hard work and effort put in.