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Exercising is really important, but it can be hard to keep at it – especially when it comes to leg day. We're here to cheer you on with these fitness memes.

Thinking about skipping leg day? Motivate yourself with fitness memes

It can be considerably difficult to keep up that workout momentum. Exercising solves so many health problems and it helps you feel confident & energetic. But even considering all of the benefits, it can still be hard to actually get it done – especially when it comes to leg day.

Fitness is life. You must find a way to stay on track. We’re here to keep cheering you on! Nothing lifts your spirits like some good ol’ memes. Hopefully these fitness memes will help you lift. Keep on keeping on.


Facebook fitness addict

Can’t we all just exercise and not brag about it? Stop using social media to flex your flexing. 

Skip leg day? Not today. 

What is it about Lord of the Rings that makes it so quotable? Nothing is going to pump us up like triumphant Aragorn rushing into battle. If he can conquer leg day, so can you!

Flaunt those gym clothes

If anything is going to encourage us to go to the gym it’s to show off the cute gym clothes you just bought. You can also wear them to the grocery store – maybe then you’ll feel the need to buy healthy food there too. 

Baby lifter

Look at this little bundle of muscles! Are you going to let him surpass your personal best? His baby strength should motivate you. 

Gym/T.V. Time

Hey – isn’t TV also a perk of going to the gym? Gotta look at the bright side. 

So it begins

Start your workout like a battle and you’ll feel like a god of war. 

True hurdles

If you’re looking to lose weight, going to the gym isn’t the main battle. Haven’t you heard that weight loss is 80% diet & 20% exercise? Going to the gym is no sweat compared to eating healthy. Well it is some sweat – but you get the picture. 

Bicycle blues

We may think we look like a beast when we workout, but the truth is we probably look more like this struggling puppy. Don’t let that discourage you though – what you look like doesn’t matter when you’re at the gym. 

Killin’ it

Sleigh that workout like a vanquisher. Emergency services will be impressed.

Body obsession

Isn’t that the truth? Instead of beating yourself up about your body just transfer that negative energy into positive energy during your workouts. (Easier said than done – but give it a try!)

Squats are a girl’s best friend

Oh boy do squats do the trick! Get that booty looking sharp & firm like a glittering diamond. 

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