Who is Kayla Lemieux and how is she shaking up the school system in Canada?
There are professors that change our lives, but can you imagine that this life changing experience came from your teacher’s enormous breasts? Are we seriously still talking about other people’s bodies in 2023? Well, the answer is yes, and we’re not referring to high school hallway whispers but official school boards meetings and journalistic articles!
We’re talking about Karla Lemieux, a Canadian high school teacher who has massive Z size breasts. Several questions have been asked to this teacher and not precisely related to the topics of the upcoming exams. Lemieux has been accused of wearing prosthetic breasts, and has even been signaled to be trans by comparing her with the picture of a man. Honestly, analyzing this teacher’s breast situation feels so surreal!
Last Tuesday Karla Lemieux was put on paid leave by Oakville Trafalgar High School. Someone from the Halton District Board told the newspaper The Sun “While not currently on an active assignment, the teacher remains employed.” What’s going on with this teacher and why is she so controversial? Is it part of a performance? Anyway, putting her aside due to a bodily situation is definitely discrimination.
Big breast suspension!
There are many reasons to get suspended as a teacher, anyway, we can almost ensure that you’ll never imagine that having big breasts could be one of them. How did we end up here? The suspension came right after the Education Minister Stephen Lecce and other school board members were scolded. The reason? “failing to put the interests and safety of students first.”
Lynn, a mother that belongs to the school board said something extra discriminatory to The Sun, yet it can make sense to many conservatives. “Forms of identity and expression presented in the school environment [must] be scrutinized against the child’s safeguarding practices.” First of all, high school students are no longer children, second, we should focus on educating the “child” to open up to diversity.
There’s still the doubt if the teacher if Karla Lemieux’s breasts are a real or a prosthetic piece she wears, according to some, only when attending school. If this is the case, then it’s definitely a weird thing to do. However, people with extra big breasts exist and bodily dimensions real, or prosthetic, shouldn’t be a reason to get someone sexualized or expelled.
Who is Karla Lemieux?
Is she trans? Are her breasts real? Well, before answering all those questions let’s just say that this is a human being we’re talking about. This became an international “issue” since The Post revealed that Lemieux is seen “as a men” outside of school. Apparently she takes the breasts, wig, and makeup and performs as a man, nevertheless, this hasn’t been proved yet and Lemieux has denied it.
According to Lemieux she’s not transitive but intersex and went through hormonal treatment for a while in order to transition. Lemieux also denied to be the man in the pictures she has been related to, however she had no way to prove differently. Regarding her extra-large breasts, the teacher mentioned that they’re caused due to “gigantomastia,” a medical condition.
The teacher also mentioned that she has never been officially diagnosed, yet, that she does identify with the gigantomastia characteristics. This condition involves developing large breasts but is not common. According to the Cleveland Clinic, there are only about 300 cases reported. There are several shady situations around Lemieux, but it’s even shadier to discriminate against a person due to their body and identity.